Key or Trump? Maybe both?

Miguel Ferreira Lopez
New Zealand thoughts
2 min readDec 19, 2016

Even though that John Key resigned lately we still have to ask ourselves the question, why people like Trump and Key are so popular these days? The answer isn’t that hard to honest. Most people would say: well it is because people are drifting more and more to the right and become more racist than ever! Well I think this is just a silly excuse. Of course there will be radical people who will find their place with those candidates but it is not just that. They are liked because they are different, completely different. They are no politicians, this is the reason why they are liked and at the end elected. The mess the world is in right now it is because of politicians, because we elect every time the same people. I am not saying that Trump or Key are good choices but they are different and we can’t really know what they are going to do in the future. And maybe we need something different to remember what really is important. For example I am no Trump supporter but there is something good about his election, believe it or not. He destroyed the media. Everyone was against him, celebrities, the companies, and the media everyone and he still won. It is similar to Key. Everyone makes fun of him but he got elected every time again and again until he resined. Yes, he pulls on ponytails, dances to weird music, makes silly faces, is no politician and just a rich guy but that is what makes him interesting for some people. We cry out loud: But they are no politicians! But politicians are the ones who got us in this mess like the financial crises and this would repeat over and over again. We need change even if it is bad but we cannot possible think that we could go on like that and make the same mistakes over and over. We won’t make things better if we call Trump or Key supporters racist instead of having with those people a conversation to understand why they think like that. If we insult them we just push them further away. The left and right are just fighting each other with no end. One day we might regret it, if we cannot just have a normal talk with a person just because they have different opinions or views. We just need to talk to each other, nothing more. We make it so much harder than it needs to be. The world is changing in front of our eyes, like it always did but this time it feels different.

