New Zealand Thoughts 4.0 : something rather serious

Lisa Antropius
New Zealand thoughts
2 min readJun 7, 2016

In this blogpost I would really like to pick up the following topic: the pupils’ nutrition in New Zealand.

I know we already talked about this issue in our last lesson but I would really like to give my personal opinion on it.
I think to say that the more distinguished and wealthy a school is, the better is the pupils’ nutrition sums it up really good. But how is the situation in areas of deprivation in New Zealand?
What’s with the poorer children, maybe who don’t come from a good home? What’s with the socially disadvantaged?

I think it was really shocking to see that these kids partly go to school without any lunch or even a real breakfast — just for understanding, when I say „real breakfast“ I don’t mean anything like Hershey’s, crackers or candy. In my opinion, the groundwork for a successful learning in school is not laid by starting your day with food like this.

I can’t imagine that its easy to concentrate with either an empty stomach or on the other hand to be chock-a-block with unhealthy snacks.
The results often are bad marks and in the worst case also a bad graduation which leads to poor chances in the job market — welcome to this vicious circle!

But what could the kiwis do to work against this whole process? The opinions diverge widely.
I can only speak for myself and I think that in a rather wealthy country such as New Zealand, it should not be too much effort or considered as ‘too expensive’ to prepare at least a healthy lunch for the children.
Of course you can’t expect that the school provides the whole food that the pupils need per day, but one warm meal is not too much to ask for — in my opinion.

At least it should be more important and get some more attention than for example a campaign to change the national flag, if the kiwis afterwards still just want to keep their old one…

