Mai Tran
New Zealand thoughts
2 min readJun 2, 2016


NZ Thoughts 4.0 — Oddball Thieves…and a Cat


Unfortunately, a common occurrence everywhere. And I mean EVERYWHERE. My roommate’s gf probably owes me a full pack of tea by now…anyway, concrete benches in Otahuhu, South Auckland, are the latest items to have gone missing in the Auckland area. According to Pauline Le Prou, resident of Otahuhu and long-term visitor of the Seaside Park where the benches were located, there used to be three benches. Now, there is only one left. People have to stand while watching their kids play football! Unacceptable! Auckland councils were informed of this issue but have yet to take any actions. Give the woman back her benches! Or at least replace them please. Do you really want to lose a loyal park visitor of almost 30 years? I think not.

But this theft has made me question: why would anyone go to the measures of stealing such heavy objects from a public place? I mean, benches are nice but still! That is some dedication. And it’s not the first time “odd” thefts have taken place in Auckland: back in March, Elvis in the Garden billboards were stolen (probably by a hardcore Elvis-fan). Flag referendum voting sheets were taken out of mailboxes! (The thieves have probably even done those residents a favor.) And then there was a cat who snitched socks (well, it’s a cat — they are unpredictable. Also, one can never have enough socks, and even cats know that.) Makes me think that NZ thieves are a bunch of oddballs. And felines.

However, reality is not as amusing. The latest crime stats report shows an increase of 3.2 per cent of crime reports over the last ten months in New Zealand on average. While that increase is worrisome, Auckland has been doing well at reducing their crime rate, and is only one of two districts in New Zealand, along with Wellington, to have had a decrease in reports. They continue to keep up the good work by establishing Operation Resolve to ensure safety. Salute!


P.S. Many people believe in rubber duckies. #arandombrainfartihadthismorning

