Racist NZ TV host?

Holly Golightly
New Zealand thoughts
2 min readJun 21, 2016

A TV co-host from the show Seven Sharp in NZ was recently accused of making a racist comment about a situation.

In a story the TV show had covered last week, viewers had shared that New Plymouth Mayor Andrew Judd had to put up with racist behaviour — someone even spat on him in front of his children — only because he wants to have Māori representation at the council table.

Now the co-host Mike Hosting’s comment on that was apparently: “Sad to say I’d never personally attack him obviously but he’s completely out of touch with middle New Zealand — there’s nothing wrong with Māori representation on councils cause any Māori that wants to stand for a council is more than welcome to do so and you can sell your message and if you’re good enough you’ll get voted on.”

When you read it at first you don’t really know what to say. I, at least, was a bit speechless, because the racist touch is so obvious but he somehow manages or at least tries to manage to let the sentence have a good outcome. A medical student in NZ found good words though: ‘She said Mr Hosking was ignorant of the numerous studies that she said proved continued and sustained racism at all levels of New Zealand society and the huge barrier this created for Māori to achieve these goals.’

A lot of other people commented on the utterance too. Apperently it’s not the first weird comment Hosting made. Kiwis have started a petition to get him fired from the show and it’s already got 12,000 supporters.

I understand the anger of the people in NZ and wanting to get Hosting fired. Racism is a huge problem all over the world and you probably already know from my style of writing that it makes me very tired. It makes me tired that there’s still people in the world who want other people to suffer or die because of their heritage, their looks, their sexuality or their gender. It feels redundant to me having to say that we’re all the same and we’ve all got flaws and it absolutely doesn’t matter what we look like or whom we love. But apperently we still have to say this a lot because there are still people out there who don’t get it. I simply don’t understand how anyone can be this hateful or this stupid.

That’s probably the reason why Hosting should get fired so he might learn from his mistakes.

Or at least stop to blurt out his incredibly dumb comments on TV so no one can take him as a rolemodel.

