Reading the New Zealand Herald…

Lisa Antropius
New Zealand thoughts
2 min readJul 5, 2016

I wanna be honest with you, I uploaded this blogpost super late. Why? Well, actually because my first exams are taking over my life (mainly the social part) and on the other hand because I wasn’t really able to find a new and interesting topic that hasn’t been mentioned before.
So what did I do? I basically just skipped through some articles on the New Zealand Herald and just had a look at what has happened the last few days:
The most scandalous event probably was this huge diamante-encrusted horse’s head, which had been freighted by air from Mexico. It was stuffed with cocaine worth $10 million . Sounds somehow weird? Well, it reminds you somehow a little bit of the Trojan horse, doesn’t it?

But there’s something else that stroke my eye: an article with the headline “Auckland’s average house price will hit $1 million by next year“. Uhm, what? Average? How could someone actually afford this? The article reminded me of one of our previous lessons when we talked about people living in Auckland — sleeping in vans with their entire family or in garages. I still think that it’s just shocking to see little children sleeping in cars on a daily basis. But what I can’t really understand is why the people aren’t leaving Auckland? I mean of course, most of the people wouldn’t like to leave their hometown, moving away and start something completely new — me included. I’m still living in my little hometown and I could actually not imagine moving away from there.
But is this really worth all the struggle and problems they are experiencing?

Anyway, if you’re wondering what else is happening in New Zealand at the moment, here are some of the „top news“: it starts at „“ear make-up — the new beauty trend?“ and ends with „“Kiwi finds head on the beach“.

