Reflection on my last bachelor course….

Sina Radermacher
New Zealand thoughts
2 min readJul 9, 2016

Honestly, I was not really motivated on this course. Not because of its topic or its lecturer, just because of the fact that this is my very last course of my Bachelor of Education studies. The last course where I have to perform active participation, come regulary to uni on a tuesday morning at 8 and to hold presentations…. ? Presentations, no chance…

In times of media competence a more modern part of active participations came a long… Blog posts. This is something I have never got in touch with so far. In my eyes Blog posts where always written by some kind of persons that wants to try to convince you of something or that are especially chatty. Both of this is not my typical behaviour. So in the beginning it was quite hard for me to find a topic I was interessted about and to form a post which makes it interessting for my course mates as well. From time to time it became more easily for me. I googled for current news about NZ and wrote comments on them, such as my post about the housing situation and the solution of the small town Kaitangata or on the high students loans. I realized that there are always topics which would concern me when I would life in NZ. As I am a student and I am currently looking for a flat with my boyfriend in Mainz that we are able to affort. I realized that there is always a topic you should have an opion about. So in the end I became quite familiar with Blog post and kind of enjoyed it. It was a nice alternative of listening to presentations every week.

But also the topic. I had tried to get in the NZ course of Geoffrey Miller since two semester. But either it did not fit in my shedule or I was not accepted to it. I was really interessted in NZ as I wrote in my first (not so well written) blog post. I went to Australia but I never managed to fly to NZ. I read a lot about it but it is always more interessting if you get first hand informations from a “real” Kiwi. I really enjoyed Geoffrey’s lectures about this special country and therefore even the early time of the seminar and the fact that it was my last one before the master courses was less worse than expected.

Cheers, Sina

