The End Is Near

Marisa Liehner
New Zealand thoughts
2 min readFeb 6, 2017

I guess this is the last time I will write a blog post like this. And I have to say, the time went really fast.

Yes, of course it was difficult to find a new topic for every post, but then again, I learned rather unusual things about New Zealand this way. As I have never been to New Zealand before, the internet was pretty much my only source for information. So if it hadn’t been for these blog posts I wouldn’t have spent that much time looking for exciting things. Because obviously, I only wanted to write about stuff that I, too, would find interesting.

The seminar showed us a different side of New Zealand. (Not that I knew any side of the country before, but you get the gist.)

Because we had a real Kiwi presenting us all these facts, stories and news, it seemed like we got to know this little country on a more personal level. A personal level that could also stem from the rather moderate size of New Zealand — but anyways, I learned to like it.

In our everyday lives we don’t spend that much time thinking about New Zealand (except maybe when you’re watching Lord of the Rings) which is sad. Because as we have learned, there are many things to enjoy about these islands.

The particular accent, the (sometimes) curious food, a great landscape, Maori culture and so much more…

A very important lessons however, brought the flag debate. Because — if we’re being honest here — I would have been one of those people to confuse the Australian and the New Zealand flag. After all this ruckus about it though, I don’t think this will happen again.

Well, I hope.

Further confusion could have been avoided with the Laser Kiwi on the flag, but the world probably wasn’t ready for that.

So this is it then? The end?

Maybe I’ll go watch some Lord of the Rings to compensate the loss of my weekly dose of New Zealand. (I won’t be getting up as early as 8 though.)

