The Spirit of New Zealand

Sato Talo
New Zealand thoughts
2 min readMay 22, 2016

The Spirit of New Zealand As a people New Zealand seems to have a very relaxed stance towards many subject matters. This can be easily observed through how they handled their ‘commissioning’ of Flag designs for the ‘Flag Debate’ which concluded at the start of 2016. But what exactly causes New Zealand to be such a flourishing hub of relaxation?

On one side the obviously beautiful countryside is a major contributing factor to this, as strange as it may sound to some people both the environment that surrounds us and the daily weather heavily influence our mood.

From the economic side of things New Zealand has an Unemployment rate of 5.7% as of January 2016 which is a rather low unemployment rate amongst 1st world countries (For comparison Canada has a unemployment rate of 7,1% and Germany a unemployment rate of 4,2%)

Having a job and a beautiful landscape to live in are great factors for not being in a grumpy mood and looking on the brighter side of things.

But another important thing is that New Zealand seems to be like one big Village, as in that people are close to each other with people like the Prime Minister visiting normal restaurants in broad daylight. This helps with blurring the lines between a social elite and common people of the country.

In terms of Geo Politics New Zealand hasn’t been really involved in a war since Te Kooti’s War, which lasted from 1868 to 1872. As such New Zealand also hasn’t really been involved in any ‘national grudges’.

Judging by these factors and New Zealand being a relatively isolated country in terms of it’s geography; New Zealand seems to be a Country in which worries are more directed towards the small things and the improvement of the nation.

