The Trump Aftermath

What about New Zealand?

Marisa Liehner
New Zealand thoughts


I guess by now, everyone has heard of the outcome of the 2016 election in the USA. If you haven’t, you might want to move from under the rock you’re living under.

Trump is the new president of the United States.

What many thought of as a joke in the beginning, is now reality. And that brought many reactions. Good and bad. In the US itself, Google searches for places to move to increased.

One of these places that some of the US citizens seem to be considering, is the one and only New Zealand.

As this is a course concerning just that country, I thought it would be a good opportunity to research what actually speaks for New Zealand as a new home, and maybe what against it. Truth to be told, right now I probably know as much as you do about this topic. Hopefully, at the end of this little blog post, we both are a tad bit smarter.

The first thing that comes to my mind is obvious. It’s what so many tourists find attractive about the country:

The landscape and the nature. There are so many beautiful places (which most of us only know from Lord of the Rings but hey) — and cute animals too. Well, I mean according to Google, only 5% of all population is actually human (the rest are animals). So if you’re not really into human interaction that might be just the place for you.

Another cool fact that may make you want to move to New Zealand: They have an actual Official National Wizard. He’ll turn 83 next month and he looks exactly how you would picture an Official National Wizard.

Completely unrelated to that (or not?) is the admittedly more serious benefit of New Zealand being one of the least corrupt countries in the world. If that doesn’t sound like a good place to live in, then I don’t know.

But hold on, New Zealand can’t be that great right? There have to be some drawbacks. Well, apart from being pretty much a paradise for volcanoes, there are the environmental issues. We talked about this in class, and admittedly, if they want to remain that beautiful island nation with the green landscape and blue lakes, they have to change something. Even if Trump says that global warming is just a hoax. However, in my opinion, I’d rather live with those minor cons than deal with Donald Trump’s arbitrariness and what not.

Simple Conclusion: Yes, New Zealand does sound like a great new home for scared Americans. When you’re there, maybe you can ask if the wizard wants to do anything about the election’s outcome. Just a thought.

