Thoughts on Things

Holly Golightly
New Zealand thoughts
2 min readJul 4, 2016

Exams are coming up! Awesome!

Right now I’ve got a lot on my plate, studying for my exams. Unfortunately, for my and also other people’s sake, I am not a very organized person. Two weeks ago I even forgot to put the blogpost online in time(Sorry Geoffrey! :/ ). I’ve managed not to forget about it this time though. Also managed to pin the ‘tan-Liste’ to my wall so I don’t always loose it in my desk. I guess my time at Uni will teach me to keep better track of things! (Hopefully.)

So I am just going to reflect a little on the New Zealand course and then I’ll talk a bit about the upcoming topic ‘Food and Drinks’.

The last few weeks went by really fast, at least in retrospect. At the beginning of each semester it’s always a bit hard when you look at your schedule, but now we’ve almost come to the end already!

It’s summertime (at least it says that on the calendar — which I still need to get to be more organized!! — weather in Germany sucks just a little bit right now) and the exams are due. Now I must say the NZ course was by far my favourite (no, I’m not just saying this, I actually think so) because it was very structured (good for my organizing skills (too many brackets (brackets in brackets))) and the topic itself was just super interesting.

I’ve never been to NZ before and most of it was new to me. Now I’ve learnt a lot about it and I’m hoping to visit it myself one day! Love the nature and the beautiful landscape and the fact that it is rather small but still got a lot of mountains, beaches and cities to offer.

What I’m really keen about is trying the different kinds of food in New Zealand! I love food and I love that I grew up in a country surrounded by other countries which all have so much to offer, like gouda and Vietnamese food from Holland (they really cook awesome Asian cuisine in NL), Italian pizza and pasta, Spanish tapas, Turkish Döner and so on. As you can see I am not the biggest fan of German cuisine, at least not when it comes to sausages and stuff like that.

Since I’ve never been to New Zealand, I looked on the internet on traditional foods people like to eat there. I found a page with lots of them, mostly fast food which explains once more why NZ might have an obesity problem especially with kids. Some examples I would really like to try are:

  • The Cookie Time cookie
  • Afghans
  • Fish and Chips
  • Marmite? (still can’t really imagine what it actually is)
  • NZ mussels
  • Hokey Pokey Ice Cream
  • Pavlova

Some dishes don’t really make sense to me, like the spaghetti on bread or the fried bread (why?). But there are probably other sites on the web that might be more accurate. Luckily I’ll learn more about it tomorrow in class!

(Sorry for the load of brackets.)

(It’s a bracket kinda day.)

