Wanderlust — backpacking in New Zealand?
Hello again!
In this blogpost I’d like to focus on backpacking — maybe even in New Zealand. I have to say this openly and honestly: I’ve never really thought about it up to the last few months. What is it all about? Traveling for a few weeks or even months with nothing but a huge — and most of the time extremely heavy! — backpack. Well, what caught my interest?
I think what has been inspiring me the most was the travel journey of my best friend. She’s spent the last summer in Canada, traveled with one of her Canadian friends from September to November around Europe without even knowing where to go next. Oh and by the way, she’s been to Australia the past two months, with a quick stop in Bali — omg I AM SO JEALOUS. I think this is what you call a gap-year.
But well, back to topic. Am I even brave enough to travel (for let’s say four or five weeks) with nothing but a backpack to New Zealand? I’m not quite sure.
What excites me the most is definitely the chance to get to know a new country, its culture, being absolutely free and spontaneous, the adventure itself and meeting new people. I already read some stuff on medium about backpacking in New Zealand and at least the Kiwis seem to be really nice and welcoming towards strangers.
But what keeps me back? Well, I’m green as hell when it comes to backpacking. Of course I love to travel but up to now traveling always was connected to travel-agencies, completely organized package tours, double rooms and resorts. But well, I’ve been told that this is not what backpackers do. But how will I feel in a small room in a hostel which I’ve probably have got to share with for four to six other people? Sure, most of the backpackers are like one big community and are having fun together almost all over the world.
But is it really like this? Is it like this in New Zealand? I will probably find out next year!