How to Hide Page Title in WordPress

Si Thu Phyo
Published in
3 min readJun 28, 2016

As a WordPress newbie, you will face a headache case when you assign custom page as home page in WordPress. Nobody want to see page title in front page of their website. By the default, post and page titles are displayed on top of the content. So to avoid this situation, some newbies in WordPress publish page without page title. But if they have one or more pages, how to handle this case? In this article, I will explain how to hide page title in WordPress. Some newbies use plugin to hide page title. I’m not recommend you to use plugins for page title hiding purpose only. Just make manually and like a pro. See the following picture.


Now, you see page title “Home” in home page of my WordPress website. I don’t want to see anymore this page title in home page. In order to hide page title, go to Appearance->Editor.


Now, you will reach to code editor and add the following code.

.home .entry-header {
display: none;

Then, save and open your home page. You will see page title will not appear in home page of your WordPress website.


Now, page title will hide and this code will only work for home page or front page. If you also hide another page title, you need to know page ID of your page and add the following code.

.page-id-xx .entry-title {
display: none;

You must replace page ID in xx position. See the following picture.


In this page, I want to hide “Sample Page” title. To hide any page title, you must find ID code of your pages. Find your page ID code yourself. In this example, my page ID code is 86. So, I have to add some code to code editor.

.page-id-86 .entry-title {
display: none;

Now, my page “Simple Page” title is hide.



There are others plugins to hide page title for WordPress, and they can make these settings in one-click. But I’m not recommend using plugins. You can done all of these process by manually within 2 minutes. Make manually and be a pro. Cheers!…. :D



Si Thu Phyo

I’m a WordPress developer and trainer of Web Development Class at Myanmar Tech Wave. Founder of and love in writing and playing Kyokushin karate.