How to Install Google Analytics to Your Website

What is Google Analytics?

Si Thu Phyo
2 min readJun 22, 2016


Google Analytics is a web analytics service that tracks the statistics of particular website. You can track your website traffic, visitors, keywords and more by adding Google Analytics. It is free and very useful for SEO and marketing purposes.

How to Install Google Analytics?

Step 1 : Signup at Google Analytics

Make sure that you already have a Google mail account. You can only signup Google Analytics with Google mail account.


Click “Sign up” button and you have to fill some information in the field. Fill your information and get tracking ID.


Step 2 : Accessing Tracking Code

After signup process is finished, Google will redirect you to the property page. You will see Universal Analytics tracking code of your website. See the following picture.


Step 3 : Inserting Tracking Code to Your Website

Copy the tracking code and paste this script in the head section. If you want to track every page of your website, insert this JavaScript tracking code to head section of every page. It means that you need to insert these tracking code before closing </head> tag.


Step 4 : Verify Tracking Code Property

After making above these step, you have to wait 24 hours to track your website data by Google Analytics.

Step 5 : Viewing Google Analytics Report

You can check your website status and traffic report with Geo-location, interest, devices usage and more. Learn yourself Google Analytics features. The following picture is traffic report of my website.


Now, you are successfully finished Google Analytics setup and you can track the status of your website data. Be enjoy :D



Si Thu Phyo

I’m a WordPress developer and trainer of Web Development Class at Myanmar Tech Wave. Founder of and love in writing and playing Kyokushin karate.