How To Make the Strategies to Stand Out Your Brand

Si Thu Phyo
Published in
3 min readAug 31, 2016

Making a proper business is not easy and the growth of business is depend to how your business is serving to the customers, the qualities of products, and marketing strategies. In this article, I will share the tips how to make the strategies to stand out your brand.

1.Promote Your Brand and Run the Contest on Social Media

The most popular ways used by the almost every marketers. People on the social media will involve in your contest by various purposes and you will get potential audiences for your brand. So, making a contest and reward the prize to the winner. This way is the best on the social media if you want to get your brand to stand out without spending too much time.

social media contest

2. Use Referral Programs

Very effective and popular ways to stand out your brand. Your customer will help and carry up your brand. This referral program is simple and it works if one of your customer refers another person to buy any products or signup to your website, you have to reward your customer who referred your brand to the another. So, using referral program makes your brand to spread out in a very short time.

referral programs

3. Use PPC Marketing

Before talking about PPC marketing system, you need to know what is PPC. PPC stands for Per Per Click and it is a form of internet marketing model. Another alternative word for PPC is CPC ( Cost Per Click). The advertiser pays the money to the publisher ( typically a website owner or a network of websites) when their ad is clicked. So, PPC marketing is also a smart way to promote your brand. Most of advertisers use Google Adwords for PPC marketing. So, you can also stand on the first page of Google.

ppc marketing

4. Make An Inspirational Post on Daily Basis

You need to active in social media to spread out your brand. Make an inspirational post or quotes about your brand and build a community. But you need to make the post as daily basis. So, people will interest your brand and get more audiences from social media.


5. Making the Events

Making events will spread your brand more popular and make giveaway some products of your brand. But no need to make the events often. It is enough an event per every three months. When you give away some products for free, you should attach the flyers and business cards with your give away items. So, people will interest your new products or brand and they will join you.

social event


There are various types of strategies to stand out your brand, but you need to understand the basic requirement to spread out your brand. In this article, I shared the basic tips to stand out your brand in short time but you need to know about some SEO related technical knowledge and basic tips for your website or brand improvement. Cheers… :D



Si Thu Phyo

I’m a WordPress developer and trainer of Web Development Class at Myanmar Tech Wave. Founder of and love in writing and playing Kyokushin karate.