Top Drag and Drop Page Builders for WordPress

Si Thu Phyo
Published in
3 min readMay 27, 2016

Drag and drop page builders become popular and it can save the web layout drawing time. As a normal way, you need to know domain knowledge in HTML, CSS, PHP and WordPress structure to create WordPress theme layout. But it is difficult for WordPress newbies. In this situations, WordPress drag and drop page builders can build any layout style in a short time without having coding skills. Page builder allows you to build professional design and you can build easily with user-friendly interface. All you need is just a page builder plugin. In this article, I will list top drag and drop page builders for WordPress.

1. Visual Composer

A winning and best selling drag and drop page builder for WordPress. Visual Composer lets you to edit layout with two content editors: Frontend and Backend editor. No coding skills required. Due to its user-friendly interface, it is still best selling page builders in Codecanyon. It works with any WordPress themes. Over 40+ modules available in Visual Composer and supports multi-language. You can also extend your design by purchasing VC addons. No need to install additional plugins like as content slider, parallex background, and others. If you have Visual Composer plugin, it is enough. You can purchase Visual Composer with $34 at Codecanyon.


2. Beaver Builder

It also a winning WordPress page builder plugin. It is fast and user-friendly. Just click the modules and put the place where you want to place. Beaver Builder supports transferring your layout styles to others websites. For content layout building, it supports WordPress widgets and two modules:Basic modules and Advanced modules. Beaver Builder’s standard version offers with $99. Agency version offers $399.


3. Page Builder Sandwich

It is a premium frontend layout builder and provides rich modules. You can easily build custom layout and adjust styles in frontend editor. It also supports WordPress widget so you can easily add your WordPress widget in your layout. Because some of page builders don’t support WordPress widget in their editor. You can purchase $39 per year for personal license.


4. Live Composer

Live composer is free and open source WordPress plugin. 0ver 30 modules available and its performance is great. It is super fast and light-weight. Automatic SEO optimized and suitable for WordPress newbies. I recommend you to use this plugin if you have no plan to purchase paid version page builder yet.


5. Toolset

Toolset is a great page builder for developers. It is a collection of tools to build beautiful website quickly. It includes not only design related modules but also developer related modules such as content engine, user role manager and more. If you are not developer, you should not use Toolset. Toolset offers $149 per year.



Although, there are variety of WordPress page builder available, I listed top 5 drag and drop page builders. In these top 5 plugins, I recommend you to use Visual Composer. Because it is cheap in price and has amazing features. But if you want to use free, you should use Live Composer. Although Page Builder Sandwich is good, its user-interface is a little complex. So, you need to spend a time to understand Page Builder Sandwich plugin. But I’m not recommend you to use Toolset if you aren’t a developer.



Si Thu Phyo

I’m a WordPress developer and trainer of Web Development Class at Myanmar Tech Wave. Founder of and love in writing and playing Kyokushin karate.