Kevin Kyaw
Published in
2 min readNov 1, 2016
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Last a few weeks ago, I got a notification message from my magento store. According to MagentoCommerce, there’s a serious vulnerability that affects most Linux Operating Systems, CVE-2016–5195, also known as DIRTY COW (yes, the name sounds silly but the problem is serious!).

What is dirty COW?

This is a major vulnerability hole in the Linux Kernel. This can allow local user to gain root access to your server. (Very dangerous). According to some research paper, this vulnerability was since 2007.

To be honest, I felt shock when I saw this. I don’t know what to do and I felt so scary. A few days later, I tried to figure it out how to prevent this.

How to protect this?

For Debian/Ubuntu — Check your current OS version with this command uname -rv

If your version is earlier than the following, you are affected:

4.8.0–26.28 for Ubuntu 16.10

4.4.0–45.66 for Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

3.13.0–100.147 for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

3.2.0–113.155 for Ubuntu 12.04 LTS

3.16.36–1+deb8u2 for Debian 8

3.2.82–1 for Debian 7

4.7.8–1 for Debian unstable

You can protect to upgrade your linux karnel using apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade and reboot your system

For CentOS — You can download the following script to test either effect or not.


Then, run with bash rh-cve-2016–

If output is;

You can upgrade your kernel with yum update kernel and reboot it

Hope this help.

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