Give yourself a break from the digital world

Zero smartphone use = more chill

I asked a couple of my friends that work remotely if they would be willing to truly disconnect from the online world when they were on leave from work. No Facebook, no Instagram, no Slack, no nothing. All of them said no because of either 1) anxiety from not being in the loop or 2) they didn’t like the feeling of being “unproductive.” I used to share their sentiments up until I reached a point last month where I experienced burnout from juggling too many things at the same time.

Most of us are on our smartphones from the moment we get up until it’s time to get some shuteye. And as much as we would like to be up-to-date with what everyone else is doing around us, being “active” and “online” is slowly taking a toll on our overall health when used more than necessary.

People do not realise the toxicity of overstaying online until they start feeling bad and begin to burnout. I am guilty of this because as a digital nomad, it’s part of my job to be online on-the-go. And there are times where I tend to stay online even beyond what’s expected of me at work simply because it’s addictive.

The feeling that we need to stay online 24/7 to keep up with everyone and everything hangs over all of our heads. And I understand that there’s guilt and anxiety whenever people think about completely disconnecting, but let me tell you all the reasons why doing so is great for you.

Half-breaks are okay — but full R&Rs are way better

Because you get the following benefits:

  • a mental break from everything that’s stressing you out. Remember — out of sight, out of mind.
  • time for yourself to regroup and align your emotions with your personal and work goals, and to remind yourself why you love doing the things you do in the first place.
  • good ol’ pampering sessions — like working out, getting a massage, or just simply catching up on some much needed sleep. Whatever helps you physically relax is what you should be doing.
  • truly be in the moment of where you are. Whether you’re at home or by the beach, not checking your phone constantly will increase your awareness of your surroundings and the people around you — leading to better conversations and experiences.

Let’s dig deeper 😬

Disconnecting can be daunting initially, but once you get the hang of it, it’s truly freeing. 🌊

If you have any thoughts or tips on how to deal with burnout that you would like to share, I would love to hear what you have to say.

Stay tuned, as I will be writing more on remote work and company culture. ✌

Who we are ✨

NewCampus is a lifelong learning school for people excited by change. We’re a gym membership for learning experiences, with daily classes hosted at a network of accessible colearning spaces. Members learn together, from global entrepreneurs and experts, about emerging business, technology and cultural trends, and consistently building the skills they need to thrive in the changing world.We are a team of 10 passionate individuals from Australia, the United States, Singapore, China, India and the Philippines. 🌍

