The Remote Working Bible


I’m launching this bible to help distributed teams around the world connect, communicate and create better. It’s also my personal goal to write daily. Feel free to drop a comment and enjoy!

👩🏼‍🚀 Who we are

NewCampus is a lifelong learning school for people excited by change. We’re a gym membership for learning experiences, with daily classes hosted at a network of accessible colearning spaces. Members learn together, from global entrepreneurs and experts, about emerging business, technology and cultural trends, and consistently building the skills they need to thrive in the changing world.

We are a team of 10 passionate individuals from Australia, the United States, Singapore, China, India and the Philippines. 🌍

💻 Introduction

  • What is a remote worker?
  • What is a remote team?
  • How has remote working changed in the last 5 years?
  • What type of companies are suited for remote working?
  • What are the pros of building a remote team?
  • What are the cons of building a remote team?

🌏 Connect

  • What are the common challenges when building a remote team?
  • What are the common challenges of a remote founding team?
  • What are the common challenges of a remote team of 5 people?
  • What are the common challenges of a remote team of 10 people?
  • How to find people outside of your network
  • How to hire people outside of your network
  • How to find talent from another country/geography
  • How to vet talent from another country/geography
  • How to structure a remote team
  • How to manage diversity in a remote team
  • How to onboard a new team member from another country
  • How can you prepare a new team member to be working remotely?

📣 Communicate

  • How to communicate with team members with 3/6/9/12 hour differences in time zones?
  • What tools you should use as a remote team?
  • How to ensure your remote team member is motivated
  • How to manage a remote team member to is unmotivated
  • Why is it important to have team trips?
  • How to prepare for a team trip
  • What do you do on team trips?
  • How do you scale a remote team?

🎨 Create

  • How to ensure teams are sharing ideas
  • How to facilitate team calls
  • How to ensure remote team members take ownership of their work
  • How to ensure remote team members take leadership in creating value
  • How to build trust between remote team members
  • How to nurture remote team members
  • How to deal with miscommunication issues
  • How to work with 3rd party partners

🤔 Final Thoughts

  • What is the future of remote working?



Will Fan
Stories from the Future — the NewCampus blog

Head of School at NewCampus. Reinventing business education in Southeast Asia.