We organised a remote International Women’s Day event in 24 hours

Celebrate Women’s History Month — hear from more women who go remote including Rebel+Connect and more. Enjoy!

Remote Powerpuffs: International Women’s Day 2018 with NewCampus

The NewCampus team has been growing over the last 12 months. We are super proud to have a near equal gender split across the team (still rare for tech companies).

Coming from a consulting background, big budget International Women’s Day events were definitely a perk: a day off to hear from inspiring women, and eat delicious catered food.

When thinking about IWD 2018, I wanted to make sure that I created a space at NewCampus for the women to experience some kind of initiative. Even as a startup without the lofty corporate budget, there should be a forum available for sharing experiences and concerns, the opportunity to be part of a larger community and feel inspired to push themselves further.

Unfortunately, I started thinking about this right before bed March 6. Which meant I had just over 24 hours to make anything happen. The themes I wanted to cover are already tough conversations at traditional organisations, let alone remote teams!

Organising a remote event in 24 hours

Determined to throw something (anything) together, I reached out to a few remote work groups for ideas on how to make something happen. As usual, the internet delivered and some wonderful people wanted to pitch in!

Part 1: Request for ideas from a Remote Leadership Facebook group.
Part 2: A few minutes later, some amazing women wanted to help!

A bunch of female remote workers from different industries, not only offered to help organise this with NewCampus, but were also keen to participate by sharing their stories through a micro-virtual summit where videos would be submitted and assembled into a YouTube playlist.

We set a theme my team would be able to identify with: Remote Working as a Woman in 2018.

A few hours later, we set off sharing Remote Powerpuffs as an IWD project to our collective networks, requesting video submissions from some of the most creative women we knew working remotely!

What we got

A very special thanks to Remote Work advocate, Laurel Farrer for giving our micro-keynote! She shares her views about how we can do our best work when we are in control of choosing the environment that best inspires us, and why this matters for women.

Keynote from Laurel on how remote working inspires our best work.

Arielle, Community Strategist in Philadelphia

Arielle shares how working remotely has allowed her to live a full life, without having to separate it from work. It gives her freedom to explore or travel the world.

Arielle from Buffer

Celebrate Women’s History Month — hear from more women who go remote. Enjoy!

Did your remote team organise anything for International Women’s Day or Women’s History Month? I’d love to hear suggestions to start organising for next year!



Fei Yao
Stories from the Future — the NewCampus blog

edtech founder @newcampushq / nomad. i champion lifelong learning, remote work, digital nomadism and hotpot. i play dota and i try to own less things.