Get Shift Done: Tips and Tricks

5 Tips for Using Trello to Get Sh*t Done

Prioritize and Organize, Use Shortcuts, and Trello Board Examples

Matt Mansfield
NewCo Shift


By Jeff.lasovski (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Trello is well-known as a collaborative task management tool, but are you using Trello to its fullest? To help you make the most of the online solution, we’ve gathered five of our top tips for getting sh*t done.

Tip #1: Prioritizing Your Trello Tasks Using Labels

Trello may be one of the the best platforms for organizing your tasks, but it has one glaring flaw: no baked-in “priority” indicator for task cards. Fortunately, there’s a simple workaround — Trello’s “Labels” feature.

Click here to discover how to use labels in Trello…

Tip #2: Use ‘Custom fields’ to Add Context To Your Entire Trello Board

Trello recently added a new ‘Power-Up’ giving users the ability to add ‘custom fields’ to cards. This means you can add at-a-glance detail and context to your whole board.

Click here to find out how…

Tip #3: Use This Trello Strategy to Balance Your Short-Term Tasks and Long-Term Goals

Web-based project management platforms like Trello can be awesome for tracking all your tasks. However, without a strategy to rescue you from the tension between short-term tasks and long-term projects, you’re likely to miss your goals.

Click here to learn a strategy that works for anyone…

Tip #4: This Shortcut Lets You Add a Trello Card and a Description in One Step, Not Two

Good news — there’s a shortcut for copying and pasting the to-dos from your meeting notes into Trello while adding a new card with a description, all in one step.

Click here to learn this shortcut…

Tip #5: How to Use Trello for Just About Anything

If you only use Trello to manage projects, then you’re missing out on a whole world of goodness. Yep, you can do just about anything with this online task tracking tool and it’s time to open your eyes to the possibilities by showing you what’s possible.

Click here to see 10 Trello board examples…

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Matt Mansfield
NewCo Shift

Content creator. Author. INTJ. Father. Husband. Brat.