Attention Writers, Designers, Graphic Artists, Storytellers, Editors, List Makers, and Infographic Jockeys…

We want to work with you.

John Battelle
NewCo Shift
2 min readApr 8, 2016


If you’re interested in how we’re going to shift from our current, unsustainable economic culture to a new, more thoughtful approach to business, well, we already like you. We’re NewCo Shift, and we’re making a new kind of publication. We’ve got an overview of it here. It’s a bit earnest, but honestly, we like to laugh as well. (For the juicy bits, read down to the middle).

At our core we’re product people — in that we think there’s value in thinking through the architecture of a publication, the intention of each thing we’re going to create together. We’re just getting started, and if you can imagine a really cool way to tell this story — using visualized data, or long-form features, or short-form video, or heck, even a lis-tickle now and then, well then we’d like to meet you. If you know what “front of the book” means, well, that’s a bonus. Because in a way, we’re looking for items in the front of the book — I sometimes call them “nuggets”. (And yes, for the feature well too, but we’re well on our way there).

We’re taking a studio approach to our work, which echoes the way the best magazines in the world got started. The best publications are platforms — a place for a collective of interesting story tellers to tell their tales, no matter what the format or distribution channel. And writing a great app for this platform is as easy as coming up with a keen insight, a takeaway that sheds light on the shift happening in our economy, then producing it as code — you know, words and pictures. We’d love to help make that happen, and together create a place where you can express your insights (and of course, we think creators should get paid). My email is jbat at I’ll respond to every missive sent. We hope to hear from you!



John Battelle
NewCo Shift

A Founder of The Recount, NewCo, Federated Media, sovrn Holdings, Web 2 Summit, Wired, Industry Standard; writer on Media, Technology, Culture, Business