Get Shift Done: Tips and Tricks

Blog Faster With These Keyboard Shortcuts for the WordPress Visual Editor

Steve Faber
NewCo Shift
Published in
3 min readDec 21, 2016


As user-friendly as WordPress can be, there are ways to blog faster using keyboard shortcuts. These shortcuts enable you to access often-used formatting options and more. Memorize them and you’ll cut precious time off your content creation schedule.

Accessing the Keyboard Shortcuts

To get to the keyboard shortcuts within WordPress, click the question mark at the bottom-right of the editing bar:

What you’ll see will be different based on the type of computer you’re using:

Basic Keyboard Shortcuts for WordPress on Windows

Basic Keyboard Shortcuts for WordPress on Macs

Wordpress Keyboard Shortcuts for Comment Moderation

WordPress also has keyboard shortcuts for comment moderation. These shortcuts have to be turned on an a by-user basis. To do so, edit the user’s profile and click the box next to “Enable keyboard shortcuts for comment moderation”:

Then save the profile by clicking the button “Update Profile” button:

Now, head on over to the comments section.

First, select a comment using the j (next comment) or k (previous comment) keys.

Then, you can use the following letters to perform actions on the selected comment:

  • Pressing a approves the currently selected comment.
  • Pressing s marks the current comment as spam.
  • Pressing d moves the comment to the trash (WordPress 2.9) or deletes the current comment.
  • Pressing z restores the current comment from the trash or activates the Undo when that row is selected.
  • Pressing u unapproves the currently selected comment, placing it back into moderation.
  • Pressing r initiates an inline reply to the current comment (you can press Esc to cancel the reply).
  • Pressing q activates “Quick Edit” which allows for rapid inline editing of the current comment.
  • Pressing e navigates to the edit screen for the current comment.

You can also select multiple comments by using the x key. Simply use j and k to move to the comments you want to select and then hit the x key to select each one. Note that Shift + x selects all the comments on the current screen.

Once you have a set of comments selected, you can use the Shift + letter commands below to manage them in bulk:

  • Pressing Shift-a approves the checked comments.
  • Pressing Shift-s marks the checked comments as spam.
  • Pressing Shift-d deletes the checked comments.
  • Pressing Shift-u unapproves the checked comments.
  • Pressing Shift-t moves the checked comments to the Trash.
  • Pressing Shift-z restores the checked comments from the Trash.

Memorizing the most used Wordpress keyboard shortcuts can really speed your workflow, and help you produce content faster.

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Steve Faber
NewCo Shift

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