Get Shift Done: Tips and Tricks

Close Deals Faster Using Evernote to Manage Sales Process Steps

Doug Belshaw
NewCo Shift
Published in
3 min readNov 8, 2016


One under-used feature of Evernote is templates. Here’s a way you can use a template, complete with checkboxes, to make sure your sales team uses the correct workflow when ‘closing’ a customer. By assuring nothing is missed, you’ll avoid both the time and frustration of having to go back for items that slipped through the cracks.

First, let’s get set up:

1. Create a new notebook in Evernote. Call it Templates.

2. Now create a new note within the Templates folder you just created.

3. Give the note the title Sales closing template. Add checkboxes along with relevant action items:

To add a checklist item, click on the checkbox icon on the menu bar:

4. Next, create a notebook called In progress.

5. Copy your ‘Sales closing template’ note to the to the In progress folder you just created. First right-click and ‘Copy to Notebook’…

…then select the ‘In progress’ notebook:

Switch to the In progress notebook, open up the template you just copied there, and update the details to be relevant to the deal you’re trying to close.

Evernote is flexible enough for you to template almost anything. For example, your team could use a shared notebook to template every step of the sales process. Templates can be as simple or as complex as you prefer.

Using Evernote templates with check boxes means everyone in your team is following the same workflow, and it also makes it easier to track anything that you may have missed.

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