Medium Premium Preview

Everything Wrong With Venture Capital

This series concludes with a hard look at why we need new sources of capital for founders

NewCo Shift


The final story in our premium Medium series from author (and software company founder) Luke Kanies explores the need for alternatives to our current system of venture capital. In Kanies’ words, our system looks stable, but most companies follow the same playbook: They try to get their investments to the magic number of $1 million in annual recurring revenue (ARR), raise an A round of funding, and keep on the funding train until you go public or go bust. This system forces founders to contort their companies to fit the funding schedule rather than discovering their own destinies. Kaines believes that instead of continuing to fund disruptors, VC will itself be disrupted with a better alternative.

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Explore the Series:

Read Part I:

Read Part II:

Read Part III:

Part IV:

Part V:



NewCo Shift

NewCo explores the stories shaping the world’s most innovative companies through experiential festivals and media offerings.