Get Shift Done: Tips and Tricks

Set Up Reminders and Appointments (For You AND Your Team) in Slack

Kevin Farrell
NewCo Shift
Published in
2 min readJan 25, 2017


via Michael Arrighi, Flickr

We all have multiple systems and devices for reminding us about appointments and tasks. The one flaw in most of them however, is the fact that you can only set reminders for yourself. That’s no longer the case though because you can easily add high-impact, useful reminders, bit for yourself and your teammates, to Slack!

As you can see below, all it takes to set up a reminder in Slack is typing out /remind. In order to maximize your reminder potential, just follow this simple equation with your prompts:

/remind [who] [what] [when]

via Slack

And reminders don’t have to just take the /remind me format. You can hit colleagues with prompts as well by tagging their username after the @ symbol. You can /remind @arestia to call me tonight at 7, or /remind @msteinman to try that meatball spot on Friday at noon.

Setting up recurring reminders is also a breeze. /remind @kzoeb to brush her hair every night at 9.

And if you find yourself going a little overboard with your reminders and want to thin the herd a bit, or just check out your upcoming alerts, typing out /remind list in any channel will immediately show you a list of all of the active reminders you have going. If plans change, you can easily delete any reminders from this list as well.

But what would an alarm be without a snooze button? Your Slack reminders will always give you the option of pushing things back 15 minutes, an hour, or a whole day:

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Kevin Farrell
NewCo Shift

Technology, travel & hospitality reporter. Recovering restaurateur. @natgeotravel @munchies @vice. #digitalnomad #remoteworker