The Best Of NewCo Shift — Week of October 10th

NewCo Shift
Published in
2 min readOct 10, 2017

Not many know, but NewCo Shift sources and edits extraordinary stories into Medium’s membership area, which is on a “metered paywall” similar to the New York Times. Anyone can read them, until they hit their limit, which is currently three per month. We’re including them in our roundup so you know about this great work — and we may be biased, but we think Medium membership is well worth it!

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Maybe Amazon’s “HQ2” Isn’t Really a HQ

So…Why? Why is Amazon holding a bake off for its “next HQ”? Very few people have asked themselves that question. Shift’s Editor-in-Chief, John Battelle, has a theory about why Amazon issued such a vision-free RFP.

Moving Beyond Silicon Valley Software Companies

Luke Kanies writes for NewCo Shift about venture capital, which he argues is structured to traumatize everyone save the investors. With an industry that is built around making many bets and expecting most to fail, the companies who want to participate must claim unrealistic goals, and then they must risk their own death attempting to keep those promises.

The Gun Argument That’s Not Even Wrong

The Las Vegas shooting marked another black chapter in America’s obsession with the 2nd Amendment, and while many argue that never is the best time to discuss gun control after a tragedy, Yonatan Zunger discusses the Founder’s intent and why it doesn’t matter.

Will We Survive This New Gilded Age?

Once again we find ourselves in a time of unprecedented income inequality. Looking Backward 2000 to 1887, by Edward Bellamy — written in 1887 — offers a familiar glimpse to the future by looking at the past.

The State of the Future

Peter Leyden and Ruy Teixeira offer an extraordinary take on the political future of the United States in a series titled California Is the Future. The series argues that if we want to understand an optimistic scenario for the future of our country, we’d do well to study California today.

How to Write a Sex Advice Column

Hugh Garvey worked as Editor at Playboy. And his gig was just a job, except when it wasn’t. In this Medium premium piece, part of an ongoing series, Garvey offers his advice on how to write a sex column.



NewCo Shift

NewCo explores the stories shaping the world’s most innovative companies through experiential festivals and media offerings.