Get Shift Done: Management

Top Marketing Trends and Predictions for 2017 (Infographic and Analysis)

Matt Mansfield
NewCo Shift
Published in
17 min readDec 28, 2016


Tis’ the season to talk about marketing trends and predictions for 2017. And this year, the online community is delivering in spades.

Not that I’m complaining, mind you. I find predictions and trends posts fascinating because I love the preview of what’s to come.

The number of posts however, makes it hard for any savvy business owner to figure out what to focus on in 2017. Happily for you, I simplified this by reviewing and analyzing 151 marketing trends and predictions posts. I then compiled the results into bite-sized chunks for your consumption.

There are three ways to dig into the data:

  1. If you just want a quick look ahead, the top predictions and trends are compiled into one handy infographic.
  2. If you want to go deeper, there’s a closer look at the marketing trends and predictions for 2017 beneath the infographic.
  3. If you’re curious about the source data, find links to the 151 marketing trends and predictions posts reviewed below the analysis.

So read on and see what the future has in store when marketing your business in 2017.

1. Top Marketing Trends and Predictions for 2017: the Infographic

Feel free to share this infographic on your own site (attribution required) by copying and pasting the code below:

<p style="text-align:center;"><a href=""><img style="border:none;" src="" alt="Top Marketing Trends and Predictions for 2017" /></a></p><p style="font-weight:bold; font-style: italic; text-align:center;">This infographic first appeared in <a href="
for-2017-infographic-and-analysis-7c6db6a7124c" target="_blank">NewCo Shift</a>.</p>

2. Top Marketing Trends and Predictions for 2017: a Closer Look

Now that you’ve seen the high-level marketing trends and predictions for 2017, here’s some more detail to put it all into context.

Video in one form or another was mentioned in 88 percent of the posts I reviewed, making it the run-away trend for 2017. Let’s take a look at how this category broke down:

  • Livestreaming: If you used Facebook Live, Periscope, or one of the many other livestreaming platforms and tools in 2016, expect to use it more in 2017. “Live video is the cure for synthetic content,” says Tessa Wegert, “and brands that embrace the opportunity to take consumers inside their factories and test kitchens, to their photo shoots and runway shows, and backstage at the concerts and events they’ve been sponsoring for years will be rewarded with increased loyalty and affinity.”

Live video is the cure for synthetic content.

  • The Growth of Video: The use of video grew in 2016, but seems set to explode in 2017. Why? Because it’s just that effective! Want more reach? Use video. Want more leads? Use video. Want more sales? You got it: Use video. Short videos are best when they catch attention but don’t waste time; if you make them an engaging series, they bring consumers back for more.

One trend to watch? Short videos used in a series.

Heading into 2017, content marketing is alive and well. While “visual content” seems to be all the buzz, here are the five content trends to watch:

  • Virtual Reality (VR): With the rise of Oculus from Facebook and an ever-growing number of mobile VR solutions for both filming and consuming, this trend seems like a big deal. Whether we feel its impact in 2017 is still in question, though, as the technology is still new enough to scare of all but the earliest of adopters. Yet, those who make the VR investment in 2017 likely will see a solid payoff down the road.
  • Augmented Reality (AR): AR made its prime-time debut in 2016 with Pokemon GO; however this technology had already been sneaking into everyday use. “Look for AR to thrive in unexpected places,” say the folks over at Comrade. “Consider the ever-improving Google Translate app, which lets you point your camera at words and phrases in dozens of languages and translates them for you on the spot.” Another example is the Photomath app, which enables you to “scan a math problem for an instant result.”

Look for augmented reality to thrive in unexpected places.

  • Storytelling: While the virtues of storytelling in marketing have been touted for years, the need to differentiate your brand in the rising sea of content makes it a need to have skill. “At first, this marketing strategy looked like a glorified ‘About us’ page,” says Michelle Baker, “Business storytelling makes sense in the digital world as it is easier than ever before for people to genuinely engage with a company / brand they favor.”

Business storytelling makes it easier for people to genuinely engage with a company or brand.

  • User Generated Content (UGC): Another trend that’s been around for some time, UGC enables brands to tell stories though the eyes of their customers, adding authenticity and social proof in one fell swoop. Brands can learn a lot here from cause marketers who achieved great success with campaigns such as The Ice Bucket Challenge. Outside of business, UGC has a role to play in sports where it can provide the same benefits.
  • Interactive Content: Whether it’s a quiz like the ones on BuzzFeed, a personality type assessment, or a contest, interactive content is both engaging and provides opportunities to collect customer data such as email addresses.

Whether it’s big data, small data, market research data, or analytics for site and social media, the more you know about your target audience, the better you can market to it. Data has always been a big component of marketing, but is gonna be a key component in 2017. Here’s how:

  • Personalization: Most people think about personalization as something along the lines as using their first name in an email. But personalization has moved way beyond that stage. Imagine sitting at your computer and shopping on a site that highlights specific products just for you based on products you browsed while you were surfing the site five months ago on your cell phone on line at the grocery store. Cross-channel, historical data like this is what feeds personalization these days (as well as data collected by devices — more on that in a bit). The jury is still out: Will it get too creepy?

Will 2017 be the year that personalization gets too creepy?

  • Data: Thanks to software that can report and consolidate the everyday deluge of data points, 2017 will likely be the year that digital marketing data collection finally comes into its own. Expect to see the rise of “first-party data,” says Christopher Walker, “specific data held within a company that is not shared by anyone else and is used to gain insight into customer profiles and combined with third-party data as required.” Nick Evans predicts that, “Marketers will increase investment in data and analytics to drive value from customer data.”

First-party data and increased investment in data and analytics will be hallmarks in 2017.

  • Attribution: When marketers use multiple channels — such as social media, websites, and mobile apps — to reach customers, it becomes crucial to know how each channel is performing when figuring our where to spend. Up until now, the only sure attribution was the “last-touch,” the spot where a customer finally made his purchase. However, technology has finally caught up and will begin to enable 2017 marketers to track and integrate the multiple data points needed to attribute each step of the customer’s journey. This is incredibly important when it comes time to evaluate the effectiveness of a campaign as a whole and each channel on its own.

Up until now, the only sure attribution was the “last-touch,” the spot where a customer finally made their purchase.

  • Accountability: Up until now, it’s been difficult to track “true ROI” from marketing on social media or via content. However, there are more tools available than ever to measure and track across channels, making 2017 the year of accountability. Marketers will need to demonstrate bottom line results no matter the channel.

Marketers will need to demonstrate bottom line results no matter the channel.

  • Omnichannel: Advances in technology and data collection will also contribute to the rise of omnichannel marketing campaigns. “An omni-channel experience creates a seamless, universal experience for your shoppers across all of the channels that you use to reach them,” says Colleen Malloy. “Your desktop website, mobile website, PPC ads, email campaigns, social campaigns, billboards, brick-and-mortar signage, and any other customer touches should work together to create one fluid, integrated experience for your customers.”
  • Cybercrime: With the rise of data collection and use, as well as the rise of cybercrime, data security is key. This especially applies to the security of your customer and client data. If you live in the EU, the 2018 General Data Protection Regulation is coming so you best use 2017 to prepare.

As one site put it, 2017 will be the year of “Mobile, Mobile, Mo-Bloody-Bile!” Let’s take a look at why:

  • Mobile First/Only: First it was mobile-friendly. Then it became mobile-first. Now comes mobile-only as Zenith forecasts 75 percent of internet use will be mobile in 2017. What does this mean? If you want Google search traffic, and happy website visitors, you need to got on board the Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) Project and make sure your site is mobile optimized.
  • Location Marketing: Also called contextual marketing, location marketing is all about hitting the right person with the right message at the right time using geo-targeting, geo-fencing and beacons. When you hook this trend — using mobile devices and augmented reality games like Pokemon GO to track a customer’s location and wearable technology to track their habits and even vital signs — with the personalization trend mentioned above, the possibilities presented to marketers are endless. Not only can you target a customer by location, you can tailor your message to the customer’s stage on the buyer’s journey.

Not only can you target a customer by location, you can tailor your message to the customer’s stage on the buyer’s journey.

  • Local Search: Tied in with location marketing, local search techniques enable both businesses with one location and those with many locations, to direct customers, based on where they currently are, to the most appropriate spot to do business.
  • Mobile-Friendly Email: As many customers will view your email marketing campaigns on their mobile phones, marketers will need to be sure the messages are optimized to look good on those devices.
  • Mobile Video: As with email, you need to assure that your videos look good on mobile devices. This will likely drive a move toward increased vertically-oriented video creation.

Mobile will up the need for vertical screen videos.

  • Mobile Search: If you uses search engine marketing tools such as AdSense, make sure you optimize your searches for mobile to match the rising trends in mobile internet use.

As the tide of content continues to rise, it’s getting harder and harder to get noticed via search or social media using organic promotion. 2017 will see more brands turn to paid content promotion to help them break through the noise as well as for distribution.

  • Influencer Marketing: Already surging in 2016, influencer marketing will continue to evolve throughout 2017. The Continators predict, “B2B organizations will finally start to adopt influencer marketing tactics like LinkedIn thought leadership, social media influence, and content marketing tactics.” Search Engine Watch predicts the rise of micro-influencers who are “creating the type of content that grabs a consumer’s attention–and they’re able to much more authentically connect with their followers.”

Micro-influencers create the type of content that grabs a consumer’s attention–and they’re able to much more authentically connect with their followers.

  • Advertising: As mentioned above, brands will need to cut through the noise and extend the reach of their content distribution in 2017. Advertising solves both issues nicely. For those two reasons, ads will see greater use on social media and search (both mobile and not). In addition, social media will see brands using ads to overcome social media algorithms, which tend to hide business content unless promoted, on sites like Facebook and Instagram. Finally, thanks to both data and artificial intelligence (AI), the use of programmatic ads will continue to streamline the online ad buying process.

Brands will use advertising to cut through the noise and extend the reach of their content distribution in 2017.

  • Native Advertising: A form of paid promotion, native advertising is “about producing marketing material that fits seamlessly into what the consumer is doing or viewing.” Expect to see much more of this type of content that “matches the form and function of the platform on which it appears” in 2017 on both websites and social media.
  • Remarketing: Also called retargeting, remarketing uses cross-channel data and personalization to determine which ads to show to a customer. For example, if you visited Amazon and looked a a particular book, you may see an ad for that specific book when you head over to CNN to catch up on the latest news. Creepy? Perhaps? Effective? Definitely.

Remarketing utilizes cross-channel data and personalization to determine which ads to show to a customer.

  • Sponsored Content: According to Shannon Porter, “As opposed to native advertising, sponsored content is not brand-biased and its goal is to inform the audience, not convince them.” Though not as widely used as native advertising, it’s still a viable form of promotion heading into 2017.

As marketing becomes more complex — more channels, more tools, more data — using automation to manage a brand becomes more necessary. There were some big strides on this front in 2016 and you can be sure that you’ll hear more about the following four trends in 2017:

  • Bots/Chatbots: As more consumers communicate with brands via social media and messaging apps, the need for brands to respond to would-be customers in a timely manner has grown increasingly important. Chatbots, which use both artificial intelligence and machine learning, according to Jes Stiles, “allow you to have personalized 1–1 conversations at scale, opening up a whole new audience who does not wish to connect with brand over email or download an app.”

Chatbots allow you to have personalized 1:1 conversations at scale.

  • AI/Machine Learning: In addition to powering chatbots, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are, according to David Daniels, “impacting personalization, with solutions that are leveraging customer behaviors to learn from them and predict the new best offers to present to customers.” Expect to see and hear a lot more about these two intertwined trends in 2017.

Artificial intelligence and machine learning are impacting personalization, with solutions that are leveraging customer behaviors.

  • Marketing Automation: While not a new trend, automation of the marketing funnel continues to grow in value as marketing gets more complex. Stay alert, however. Jennifer O’Brien warns, “There is a danger of neglecting the need for the customer’s experience and interactions to not only be personalised, but authentic.”
  • Dark Social: Dark social refers to “the social sharing of content that occurs outside of what can be measured by Web analytics programs. This mostly occurs when a link is sent via online chat or email, rather than shared over a social media platform, from which referrals can be measured.” While there are tremendous possibilities in tracking dark social interactions, especially within messaging apps, there are also many concerns about privacy. One way around that is the use of “messenger bots” with which consumers initiate the conversation.

While there are tremendous possibilities in being able to track dark social interactions, there are also many concerns about privacy.

For many years, pundits have been predicting the integration of ecommerce at almost every customer touch point. 2017 will bring us closer to that reality.

  • Social Commerce: Expect to see more “Buy” and “Add to Cart” buttons everywhere — especially in social media and on individual search engine results.

Expect to see more “Buy” and “Add to Cart” buttons everywhere.

  • Interactive Email: In addition to buying a product directly from your emails, consumers will be able to enter contests, complete surveys, and take quizzes directly there as well.

3. Top Marketing Trends and Predictions for 2017: Source Data Links

Below, in alphabetical order, are links to the 151 marketing trends and predictions posts that I reviewed to gather data for both the infographic and the closer look above.

Note: all titles are as pulled from Chrome bookmarks — any misspellings and punctuation errors were carried over from the original source.

  1. 10 digital innovation predictions for 2017
  2. 10 Email Marketing Trends to Watch in 2017
  3. 10 Marketing Trends Advisors Should Plan to Incorporate in 2017
  4. 10 Small Business Digital Marketing Predictions for 2017
  5. 11 Digital Marketing Trends for 2017
  6. 13 Email Marketing Trends to Follow in 2017: A Sumo-Sized Guide
  7. 15 eCommerce Marketing Trends To Plan Your 2017 Budget
  8. 17 Marketing Trends To Watch Out For In 2017
  9. 2017 Content Marketing Trends
  10. 2017 Digital Marketing Trends for Financial Services
  11. 2017 Digital Marketing Trends: Video and Mobile Outlook
  12. 2017 marketing data trends: Machine learning, IoT, and real-time streaming
  13. 2017 marketing predictions you won’t have read elsewhere
  14. 2017 Marketing Trends
  15. 2017 Marketing Trends to Keep An Eye On
  16. 2017 Predictions for Mobile Marketing and Loyalty Trends
  17. 2017 predictions: Why artificial intelligence will blow account-based marketing out of the water
  18. 2017 Video Marketing Trends To Incorporate Into Your Marketing Strategy
  19. 3 Digital Marketing Predictions for 2017
  20. 3 Digital Marketing Trends to Watch for in 2017
  21. 3 location data trends to pay attention to in 2017
  22. 4 Content Marketing Predictions for 2017
  23. 4 Content Marketing Trends for Business Owners in 2017
  24. 4 Digital Marketing Trends That Aren’t Going Away In 2017
  25. 4 E-Commerce Trends That Will Rule the Market in 20174
  26. Marketing Lessons Worth Learning Before You Ring in 2017
  27. 4 Trends which Will Change Social Media Marketing on Twitter in 2017
  28. 5 Content Marketing Predictions for 2017
  29. 5 digital marketing trends for businesses in 2017
  30. 5 Direct Marketing Trends
  31. 5 Ecommerce Content Marketing Trends for 2017
  32. 5 Internet Marketing Trends in 2017
  33. 5 Key Marketing Trends for 2017
  34. 5 Marketing Trends for Eventprofs to Leverage in 2017
  35. 5 marketing trends to watch for in 2017
  36. 5 Predictions to Guide Your Marketing Plan in 2017
  37. 5 Social Media Trends That Will Change The Game In 2017
  38. 5 Trends from 2016: Pointing to Importance of Trust Based Marketing
  39. 5 Trends That Should Shape Your 2017 Marketing Budget
  40. 5 Trends to Watch for in 2017
  41. 5 useful trends to help digital marketers in 2017
  42. 51 Expert Content Marketing Predictions for 2017
  43. 6 digital marketing trends for 2017
  44. 6 Marketing Trends for 2017
  45. 6 marketing trends in 2017
  46. 6 Marketing Trends to Implement in 2017
  47. 6 Marketing Trends to Watch In 2017
  48. 6 Social Media Marketing Trends in 2017
  49. 6 social media trends to watch in 2017
  50. 60+ Content Marketing Predictions for a Successful 2017
  51. 7 B2B Marketing Trends to Watch in 2017
  52. 7 Digital Marketing Predictions for 2017
  53. 7 Digital Marketing Trends That are Here to Stay in 2017
  54. 7 Email Marketing Predictions for 2017
  55. 7 Marketing trends to watch out for in 2017
  56. 7 Online Marketing Trends That Will Dominate 2017
  57. 7 Predictions for Marketing Teams in 2017
  58. 7 Social Media Marketing Trends That Will Dominate 2017
  59. 7 Social Media Marketing Trends to Look Out For in 2017
  60. 73 Experts Reveal B2B Marketing Trends to Leverage in 2017
  61. 8 Biggest Digital Marketing Trends We’ll See in 2017
  62. 8 content marketing trends to help you dominate 2017
  63. 8 predictions for digital marketing in 2017
  64. 8 Trends That Will Shape Content Marketing in 2017
  65. 9 Facebook Marketing, Advertising Trends and Predictions for 2017
  66. 9 marketing trends you need to know about in 2017
  67. A six-pack of predictions for martech
  68. A-Z Culture Glossary 2017
  69. B2B marketing trends for 2017
  70. Big 2017 Social Media Marketing Trends You Need to Know
  71.’s Top 10 Marketing Trends For 2017
  72. Content Marketing in 2017: 5 Predictions from Our Crystal Ball
  73. Content Marketing Predictions 2017
  74. Content Marketing Predictions for 2017
  75. Content Marketing Trends For 2017
  76. Creation_Media_-Top-_Ten-Marketing_Trends_Infographic-v2.pdf
  77. Digital Content Marketing Trends To Look Out For In 2017
  78. Digital Marketing Trends 2017: 5 Social Media Trends to Watch
  79. Digital Marketing Trends and Tech Outlook for 2017
  80. Digital Marketing Trends for 2017
  81. Digital Marketing Trends to Look for in 2017
  82. Digital Marketing Trends To Watch For in 2017
  83. Early Adoption Marketing Trends for 2017
  84. Email Marketing in 2017 — Key Trends for the Year Ahead
  85. Five Content Marketing Trends to Watch in 2017
  86. Five Digital Marketing Trends Start-ups And Other Small Businesses Can Embrace In 2017
  87. Five marketing technology trends to watch out for in 2017
  88. Four Financial Marketing Trends for 2017
  89. Four predictions for email marketing in 2017
  90. Four video marketing trends to watch in 2017
  91. Future Trends in Email Marketing — Predictions for 2017
  92. How to dominate 2017: Eye-opening digital marketing predictions from 11 digital experts
  93. Inbound marketing trends in 2017
  94. Influencer marketing: where we’re headed in 2017
  95. Infographic_predictions_2017-jpeg.jpg (1275×3500)
  96. Top 2017 Trends and Key Data Findings in Mobile Marketing
  97. LinkedIn’s top 10 digital marketing predictions for APAC in 2017
  98. Marketing predictions for 2017
  99. Marketing Predictions for 2017
  100. Marketing trends that will define 2017
  101. Marketing Trends To Be Aware Of In 2017
  102. MarketingTech’s 12 top 2017 predictions from martech experts
  103. Mobile marketing in 2017: Five expert predictions
  104. Mobile Marketing Predictions for 2017: What Your Business Needs to Know
  105. Must-see marketing trends for 2017
  106. Nine mobile trends to help you stand out in 2017 and beyond
  107. OMD Word: What To Expect From Social Marketing In 2017
  108. Online Marketing Trends that Will Make 2017 Awesome
  109. Our Top 15 Marketing Trends and Predictions for 2017
  110. Planning For Digital Marketing Trends In 2017
  111. Predictions: 17 digital marketing trends for 2017
  112. Promotional Marketing Predictions for 2017
  113. Report: 2017 Digital Marketing Trends
  114. SEO 2017 Predictions
  115. SEO predictions for search and content marketing in 2017
  116. SEO trends to prepare for in 2017
  117. Seven data-driven marketing predictions for 2017
  118. Six Video Advertising Trends That Will Dominate 2017
  119. Social media in 2017: New trends for the new year
  120. Social Media Marketing Trends and Predictions for 2017
  121. 2017 Brand And Marketing Predictions
  122. Sports marketing predictions: 2017 sports marketing trends
  123. The 5 Marketing Trends that Will Dominate the Internet in 2017
  124. The 5 Marketing Trends to Keep Your Eyes on for 2017
  125. The 7 Biggest Content Marketing Trends of 2017
  126. The 7 Content Marketing Trends That Matter in 2017
  127. The Future of Social Media: 37 Experts Share Their 2017 Predictions
  128. The Relevancy Group’s 2017 Marketing Predictions
  129. The rising cross-device marketing trends to keep an eye on
  130. The Top 10 Trends Driving Marketing In 2017
  131. The Top 2017 Digital Marketing Trends That You Need to Know
  132. The Top Five Marketing Trends to Expect in 2017
  133. The Top Marketing Trends for 2017
  134. Top 10 B2B Marketing Trends 2017
  135. Top 10 Digital Branding & Marketing Trends for 2017
  136. Top 2017 Marketing Trends
  137. Top 3 B2B Content Marketing Trends for 2017
  138. Top 5 Digital Marketing Trends for 2017
  139. Top 5 digital marketing trends for 2017
  140. Top 5 digital marketing trends set to rule 2017 — What You Can Expect
  141. Top 5 marketing predictions for 2017
  142. Top 5 Video Marketing Trends 2017
  143. Top 8 Marketing Trends That Will Define 2017
  144. Top Content Marketing Trends for 2017
  145. Top Digital Marketing Strategies & Trends 2017
  146. Top Digital Marketing Trends for Bowling Alleys in 2017
  147. Top five content marketing trends for 2017
  148. Top marketing trends to master in 2017
  149. 7 Video Marketing Trends for 2017 (and What They Mean for You)
  150. What Don’t I Know About Digital Marketing?
  151. What lies ahead for marketers in 2017

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Matt Mansfield
NewCo Shift

Content creator. Author. INTJ. Father. Husband. Brat.