Get Shift Done: Management

Top 3 Social Media Monitoring Products of 2016 (and 2 Contenders for 2017)

Vamshi Mokshagundam
NewCo Shift
Published in
4 min readDec 26, 2016


Social media monitoring is the act of using a tool to listen to what is being communicated across the internet. The media is monitored; not just from traditional publishers, but on social sites such as blogs, wikis, news sites, micro-blogs such as Twitter, social networking sites, video and photo sharing websites, forums, message boards, and user-generated content.
In general, social media monitoring tools can determine the volume and sentiment of online conversation about a brand or topic. This can provide valuable information about emerging trends and what consumers and clients think about specific topics, brands or products.

As 2016 comes to a close, here are the top social media monitoring services, ranked by their number of customers amongst Siftery’s list of 250,000 top companies.


#1 Mention (350+ customers): Mention offers a media monitoring app for brands to obtain filtered and organized information from the web and social networks.

Mention is a way to visualize a user’s online presence by separating the signals from the rest of the noise. The platform allows real-time monitoring for online and social media, monitor sources in over 40 languages, identify influencers talking about a brand or keyword of interest, connect social accounts to react within the dashboard and generate reports and compare alert performance.

With 23% of market share of the email tracking market, Mention has companies like Crunchbase, Zeek, Hewlett-Packard, Reachify, and GitLab listed among their clients.


#2 Sendible (70+ customers): The social media marketing platform allows individuals and businesses to engage with their customers across multiple channels. Sendible supports and integrates email, text messaging, social media monitoring, and web publishing.

Sendible pulls in the posts and comments across various channels and allows the users to respond from one place.

Like other social media managers, users can use custom reports to see how effective each post is and to queue up and optimize posts. Sendible’s RSS Auto Posting feature publishes new content from a blog or website to relevant channels at regular intervals throughout the day.

Zynga, Ogilvy, King Digital Entertainment, Sony Music, and DocPod are some of the companies that use Sendible.


#3 Brandwatch (50+ customers): Brandwatch is a social media monitoring system which summarizes content on the web by examining data from sources like social networks, news, blogs, and even product reviews.
Brandwatch’s filters and customizable reports make the data easy to analyze and are used for marketing campaigns, product research, and reputation management.

With 4% market share in the social media monitoring market, Brandwatch also provides industry reports on social media monitoring and analytics. Hootsuite, The Next Web, Text100, Golin, and Unified Inbox, are some of the companies that use Brandwatch.

Here is a handy guide to get a quick comparison of Mention, Sendible, and Brandwatch.

Contenders for 2017

There are other platforms that allow users to find insights into a brand’s overall visibility on the social media. We are listing a couple of products worth keeping an eye on in 2017.

  • Newscred: NewsCred is a content marketing and syndication platform that provides brands and publishers with access to articles, images and videos. Users can manage online marketing workflows by utilizing advanced collaboration tools while creating user permissions, teams, content queues for editorial review and even manage freelancers, clients, contracts, and payments. Newscred partnered with platforms like with a goal of to help companies build their presence online and awareness among consumers.
  • Tagboard: A software platform aggregating social media content from multiple networks for end-users, brands, and marketers. Tagboard embeds, reposts, and redisplays the content on various media by tracking a specific hashtag related to the subject users want to track. There are plenty of hashtag tools that show hashtag uses on Twitter. However, Tagboard gives a richer look at conversations by providing cross-network results, including Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Vine, and Flickr. With 4% market share, some of Tagboard clients are ABC, Microsoft, BBC, AMC Theatres, and UNICEF among others.

If you’d like to find out more about how we collect this data, check out this post on how Siftery works.

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Vamshi Mokshagundam
NewCo Shift

Founder @siftery where you can discover the best software products and the companies that use them.