Afraid of going to see therapist.

Discussions & Debates
3 min readJun 21, 2022

Afraid of going to see therapist.

Have you ever been to counseling or seeing a therapist? What do you think of it? The awareness of health and wellness rises these days,people also started to take care in every perspective including value “mental health”. It has become more and more common to see a therapist.You won’t feel judged or weird if heard anyone seeing it.But really?What about you? What if the situation happen to you? Don’t you hesitate or afraid to do so? Nearly one in five U.S adults suffer in mental problems but only 70 percents of them ever been to counseling.From the last two decades,the percentage has rise from 40 percent to 70 percent(John,2022.) but apparently this is still not enough.11.5 billions of people still afraid of going to see a therapist and still in suffering.

To find out the reason and causes, we need to see the big picture and set the right position first. Everyone can go to see a therapist, it’s not the patent only for mental illness patients. Anyhow feeling uncomfortable with mind is totally fine to counseling. It’s absolutely normal just like you’ll see a doctor if caught a cold, see a therapist if felt uncomfortable in mental. There’s no shame at all and it’s actually a great awareness to take care in every perspective. However, people are afraid to do so because there’s “stigma” in the world. Fear and discrimination is a serious problem and barrier for those who need help. stigma is defined as beliefs and attitudes associated with the perception of mental illness as an undesirable characteristic that discredits a person and that may result in social-distancing behaviors and discrimination (Jones et al. 1984; Link and Phelan 2001). Mental disorders like depression, anxiety, and substance abuse and their associated stigma can increase social isolation, limit opportunities for employment, housing, and access to medical care (Smith 2002; Link and Phelan 2001, 2006; Stuart 2006). Stigma can also worsen symptoms and increase risk for coexisting physical disease (Chapman et al. 2005).Other reasons for not receiving the treatment including not knowing where to go for services, not having enough time and can’t afford the cost.

In order to fixed the problem, I do believe that the most directly solutions. To build up the right concept to everyone.Make “mental health” issue as an necessary educational link.Edit the right knowledge into textbooks and held conventions regularly.Not only for the students and kids, but also the public. The government should help holding the community conventions and cooperate with local clinic to help for people who can’t afford the paid and let them understand where can they get the help. It is important to “spread” the information and incorporate information into our life. So that to eliminate the stigma and discrimination. Talk openly about mental health,educate, encourage equality between physical and mental illness, show respect for those suffering, choose empowerment over shame and let the media know when they’re being stigmatizing.(Luna,2017.)We need everyone’s effort and everyone’s responsibility to change the world.

John Elflein. (2022).Mental health treatment or counseling among U.S. adults 2002–2020.

Rosemarie, Colleen,Daniel&Paolo.(2010).Attitudes about mental illness and its treatment: Validation of a generic scale for public health surveillance of mental illness associated stigma.

Oexle,Ajdacic,Kilian,Muller.(2017.) Mental illness stigma, secrecy, and suicidal ideation.

Luna. (2017.) 9 ways to fight mental health stigma.

