Are School Uniforms Necessary?

Pipz AS1
Discussions & Debates
3 min readApr 18, 2022

A school uniform is one of the standards that all students in a particular school must follow to. Of course, the rules are in place for a purpose. This method, according to many experts, is effective. Some people were unable to accept it, while others agreed. Personally, I believe it will be useful to students. Some of the causes behind this are as follows.

In the following centuries, school uniforms were linked with the upper class; students at England’s most prominent institutions were required to wear black top hats and tails. “If it means that teenagers will stop killing each other over designer jackets, then our public schools should be able to require their students to wear uniforms”. Bill Clinton, the former president of the United States, remarked on February 1996. This means that uniforms are an excellent method for reducing competitiveness among students over flexing their pricey outfits and the purpose of school will be crystal clear which is studying. It also going to make the illusion of equality which will decrease the creation of assumptions about one another, and students will be more likely to establish friends with each other if they don’t feel judged by their environment.

On the other hand, over More than a billion searches occurred on “what to wear at school when you have nothing to wear,” according to Google. They must be a clueless students trying to figure out an appropriate outfit to wear just to go to school. This is where uniforms are the most effective technique to fix the problem in this situation. Because the purpose of school is to study, students should not be distracted by mismatching outfits every morning. Some schools also don’t give the complete instructions or understanding about the outfits that they should and shouldn’t use and this may cause variety of issues occurring in the future such as students being dress coded.

Humans, as we all know, are social beings who rely on one another to exist. As a result, humans have an inherent desire for a sense of belonging. If the needs are not met, it may create stress, illness, even depression which is terrible for students since they will be unable to concentrate on their studies. In this case, kids can feel a feeling of belonging by wearing school uniforms, which allow them to feel the sense of belonging in an institution. Because students will be easily identified, this may also reduce the amount of criminal action by students outside of school.

In conclusion, I agree that students should wear uniforms since it not only emphasizes the school’s purpose, but it also helps students focus on their studies and obtain desired grades. Don’t forget that using uniforms have a positive impact on the student’s mental health, as well as a neat appearance. Some may argue that wearing uniforms limits a student’s creativity. However, I view it as a challenge to embrace creativity into a school uniform.

Works cited

“School uniforms foster a sense of belonging.” Sowetan Live, 5 Feb. 2018,

“History of School Uniforms.”, 5 March, 2021,

