Does Religion Divide Society?

Discussions & Debates
2 min readJan 13, 2024

Religion has been a fundamental part of humanity since the beginning of time. Its existence has profoundly influenced much beyond individual beliefs, it has shaped culture, social structure, laws, as well as ethical instances. While religion can undoubtedly foster unity, it can also be a cause of society’s division. This essay will highlight religion’s ability to contribute to social fragmentation, despite its good intend.

As of 2024, there are nearly 400 recognized faiths around the world. Obvioudly, each of these religions has their own distinct practices and beliefs. This distinctness can manifest in numerous forms, from differing moral codes, restrictions whether in attire or diet, as well as the different rules of what’s allowed and what’s not. This very difference may be enriching to some extend. However, it has also lead to misunderstandings, conflicts, mistreatment towards certain groups, prejudices, and worst of all, war.

During the course of existence, there has been countless evidence of wars caused by difference in matters of religious faith. Some of these major catastrophies include the Crusades against Muslims, the French wars of religion between Huguenot Catholics and Protestants, and many many others. Violence on behalf of religion still exists on this day and age, that is the continuous attacks in some countries in the middle east against the local Christian communities. This violence has gone as far as the loss of human lives. Simultaneously, Muslim communities are also being prosecuted in countries where they are a minority.

Aside from the major conflicts, religion division is also evident around us daily. People of the same religion tend to stay in groups exclusively, creating barriers. Minorities may feel a sense of exclusion, and in some cases, receive mockery and mistreatment. Overly religious people excessicely glorify their own beliefs, that they refuse to understand any other religious perspective, making compromise difficult.

It is undeniable that religion can indeed, potentially divide society. It is a shame that something that is inherently good, could be misused by humanity to cause evil and havoc. Every religion teaches its followers to do good deeds, yet humans havs repeatedly done the exact opposite in the name of religion. It is crucial that we, above all, work together to bridge these differences by prioritizing a common ground that we all share, that is humanity. An open mind is key to a better and a just world.

