Jahmarley Riley
Discussions & Debates
3 min readJun 21, 2024


Have you ever thought and questioned “why people living in the world think they apart of a specific race group?” “What is race or are there different races amongst the world today?” “And why racism is so disrespectful among different races”?

Some people identify race by many different reasons like “shared physical traits”, “socialization and culture” and many more.

I personally thought I was apart of a race. Based on the environment I grew up in ,culture, skin color and what I was taught and even saw on the media.

The concept of race began in the renaissance period around the 18th century. This concept “Race” has a very essential part of global discourse of power an also is used to justify colonialism and colonial violence against different “races” especially The blacks (Melanated) or the “Niggas” of today. Race is deeply embedded in everyone beliefs and cultural unconsciousness.

The whites always thought they had an upper hand over every other class of people.I am of the opinion that this is mainly because of slavery. During this horrendous period,the whites were the ones who were in charge and whohad most of the power among everybody else or other races .

“What is racism??” Racism is just the belief, attitudes,behavior and systematic approach that degrade,belittle and devalue group of people based on the skin color or background.

Often, comments about race stem from personal beliefs and prejudices. Racism was a significant issue in the past and continues to be so today. Many people believe that intellect and cultural factors contribute to the distinct physical characteristics observed in different races.

In the past it was proposed by Johann Friedrich Blumenbach that there were only five (5) races . However this conclusion was debunked. According to a popularized physical anthropologist Frank Livingstone “there are no races only clines”. He suggested that human traits vary gradually over geographical space.

Since white people are often considered ‘the most popular or powerful race,’ I learned about their treatment of other races, especially Black people, as I was growing up. I learned how they used to sell, beat, and force Black people into hard labor while they relaxed and demanded tasks to be completed within strict time frames. Failure to meet these demands often resulted in severe punishment for the slaves.

Racism is one of the most common problems in the world today. Regardless of how you look, dress, speak, your skin color, or where you come from, there will always be people from other clines who look down on you and feel superior. Some may even be disrespectful, especially because of skin color. As a Black person, I have experienced racism many times in various ways, both in the USA and in Taiwan. This shows that racism is present in different countries and regions around the world.”

“After completing my human evolution course, I learned that there is no such thing as race; there are only clines. We all come from the same origins in Africa, and our genes spread to different parts of the world through gene flow. This shows that race is just an idea and not a biological reality. I believe that if more people took DNA tests, they would learn about their mixed backgrounds and realize the concept of race is unfounded. This understanding might help reduce racism, allowing us to live without being judged based on skin color or origin. So, if you’re listening, consider that you might have some of the same genes as the people you disrespect. Thank you!”

“The greatness of humanity is not being human,but in being humane.” (Mahatma Gandhi)

