How sleeping important

Discussions & Debates
2 min readJan 3, 2023

Nowadays, people know the importance of a balanced diet and exercise and have begun to pay attention to fitness and diet, but in addition, sleep as important as these two seems to be overlooked. Sleep is also one of the important factors affecting health.

Some people pay attention to nutrition and love sports, but still, stay up late to work or binge-watching. These lack of sleep habits may bring harm to physical and mental health. Having enough sleep can have some advantages. The following are some examples.

  • Clear mind- Sleep plays an important role in learning and memory. Lack of sleep makes it difficult to concentrate, learn new things, and don’t have enough time to memorize. Therefore, it can improve academic performance in children and adults.
  • Mood boost- The brain is responsible for processing emotions during bedtime. If sleep is too short, it will lead to more negative emotions and reactions. In addition, insomnia increases the risk of mood disorders, with studies showing that depression is 5 times more likely to occur during insomnia and even more likely to have anxiety or panic attacks. Besides, they are more likely to withdraw from social events and experience loneliness.
  • Weight control- Lack of sleep, in the long run, can easily lead to obesity, according to a study found that children with short sleep time have a high probability of obesity of 89%, and adults 55%. When you get enough sleep, you won’t be hungry easily because sleep suppresses hormones in the brain that control appetite. If you lose your balance, it will be difficult to resist the temptation of food. When tired, you may not want to move your body, which causes weight gain.
  • Prevent disease- Sleeping poorly for a long time changes the way immune cells work. Although they don’t have a quick attack, you can often get sick. Sleeping well at night avoids exhaustion and increases resistance.

That is why humans have to spend nearly a third of a day devoted to sleep. While sleep needs vary, on average, sleeping more than 9 hours a night for a long period of time can do more harm than good. Studies have found that people who sleep longer accumulate more calcium in their heart arteries and leg arteries are less flexible, so sleeping 7 to 8 hours a night is most suitable. To sum up, having appropriate sleep is the most important thing in our lives.


