Order in the Chaos: Does God Exist?

By Ali L. Watak

Discussions & Debates
4 min readJun 23, 2024



Roughly 6 — 7 billion people follow a particular religion today. Even while statistics speak loudly, this does not imply that God exists. Furthermore, a growing number of people now think that science refutes God’s existence as it has revealed more and more insights about the complexity of the universe. However, Frank Turek, an American apologist, begs to differ. Turek employs the S.U.R.G.E, a set of five standard scientific approaches to evidently determine that science and God compliments each other.

S.U.R.G.E is an acronym for:

  • Second law of thermodynamics
  • Universe is expanding
  • Radiation Afterglow from Big Bang
  • The Great galaxy seeds in the Radiation Afterglow
  • Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity


Even though nothing can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt in reality, however evidence always indicates that something or someone is proven to have happened or exists. We may observe that there are evidences that suggest something or someone supernatural exist by applying Turek’s five main lines of scientific approach.

S- The second law of thermodynamics indicates that we’re running out of usable energy. It is well acknowledged among scientists that the sun will ultimately run out of energy. What evidence is there for the existence of God? Imagine that you built a bonfire and went to sleep. The fire will become weaker and weaker over time until the other day you wake up and discover it that it has been burned out. This implies that the evidence indicates the universe had a beginning and something or someone could have caused it.

U- The universe’s expansion was originally observed by Edwin Hubble, in 1929. He continued by saying that the planets are closer yesterday than they are today. And if we can go all the way back to the beginning, the earth will collapse and theoretically, return to nothing. And yet again, this demonstrates that the cosmos had an origin. The conventional view among scientists is that the Big Bang, or a big explosion, is what initially caused the universe to exist and to expand. They then theorized that there must also be some remnants of the cause if something were to be ignited by an explosion. Later on few scientists discovered something astonishing which brings us to our next letter, R.

R- Oddly, while working, two highly renowned scientists noticed an unusual radiation. Radiation afterglow is the name given to this astonishingly finding that they discovered. All of the heat that was left over after the Big Bang is this radiation. Scientists then theorized that the universe may have formed as a result of the slight changes in the radiation afterglow. In this case, this leads us to our next letter, G.

G- Following the finding of the radiation afterglow, scientists theorized that the formation of the great galaxy would have been driven by temperature changes in the radiation. The theory was not yet proven until they were able to use a satellite to measure these temperature changes. Scientists were then astounded by this discovery because of how accurate these temperature changes were. Furthermore, it demonstrates how the formation of the great galaxy was not merely a coincidental event but rather a properly calibrated event resulting from the Big Bang.

E- In 1916, Einstein was convinced that the universe had a beginning as shown by his General Relativity equations. Following this, Einstein finds that space, time, and matter are all related. However, Einstein introduced a fudge factor known as the Cosmological Constant because he found the idea that the universe had a beginning to be irritating. A Russian mathematician then revealed a few years later that Einstein’s fudge factor was an algebraic mistake. He continued by saying that Einstein included the fudge factor to disprove his theory that the universe had a beginning. In 1929, Edwin Hubble, the astronomer who discovered the universe’s expansion, informed Einstein that he was witnessing with his telescope what he had predicted in 1916 regarding his General Relativity theory. Einstein was very fascinated to the point that he wanted to know God’s mind.

Does these, however, prove that there is a supernatural being? No, but the evidences demonstrate that everything had a beginning. Given that everything has an origin, there must be a cause and an initiator; nonetheless, the evidences lead us to two different conclusions. Either nothing or no one created something out of nothing OR something or someone created something out nothing. Now it’s up to ourselves to decide which one is more reasonable.


It is important that we consider this carefully and ask ourselves what first comes to mind when we think of a timeless, spaceless, immaterial, powerful and intelligent being. What is it? Would it not be more reasonable to think that this flawlessly balanced universe was created by a supernatural being existing outside of space, time, and matter? As far as we are aware, the universe began at some point, according to the second law of thermodynamics, Hubble’s theory of the expansion of the universe, the radiation afterglow that formed the great galaxy, and Einstein’s General Relativity theory. Of course, we shouldn’t limit ourselves to thinking and should also keep an open minded worldview, but wouldn’t it be more convincing if the evidence clearly points out that everything happens to exist because there is something or someone supernatural exists, God.


Turek, Frank. “Big Bang Evidence for God.” Cross Examined, 23 Jan. 2009, https://crossexamined.org/big-bang-evidence-for-god/. Accessed 18 June 2024.

