Self-actualization in education: Role of teachers and parents

Discussions & Debates
6 min readJun 23, 2024


Oscar Wilde — ‘To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.’ As human beings, we seem to get familiar with some sayings like this for “ the meaningful life”. By wisely choosing the life path we live for, we live differently in many ways. To fully experience life as we might wonder about, many studies and psychological theories talking about this, one of the famous ones is Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, with the highest level of needs of self — actualization which allows us to fully experience exactly the life that we urge to pursue. Yet, it is considered a long way to go and seems tough to reach to this level. Therefore, education is believed to be one of the most effective ways to achieve this essential need. When it comes to education, there are mainly three focuses, including: school, family and social community. The essays will discuss in more detail the importance of education in self-actualization and how to properly succeed.


According to Simply Psychology, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is a motivational theory in psychology comprising a five-tier model of human needs, often depicted as hierarchical levels within a pyramid. Needs lower down in the hierarchy must be satisfied before individuals can attend to needs higher up. From the bottom of the hierarchy upwards, the needs are: physiological, safety, love and belonging, esteem and self actualization ( Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, 2018 ) . Self-actualization, the highest level in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is crucial to human growth thanks to its highly significant benefits for personal fulfillment. It entails personal development, self-awareness, and the identification of personal values and talents. The value of self-care stems from its potential to promote internal drive, substance, and depth of purpose. People who are self-actualized tend to experience higher levels of creativity, happiness, and well-being. By striving for self-employment, people can have a better life, contribute positively to society, and continue to develop their own professional field. This process of self-improvement is essential to your overall development and accomplishments. There are several expert perspectives and sharing on this case. Educational theorists like John Dewey and Carl Rogers have emphasized the importance of personal growth and self-actualization in education, arguing that true learning involves the development of the whole person. According to Carl Rogers, “in the person, there is an ability to actualize the self, which, if freed, will result in the person solving his or her own problems. The therapist was not to be an expert who understood the problem and decided how it should be solved. Rather, the therapist should free the client’s power to solve personal problems” ( UNESCO: International Bureau of Education, 1999 ). Moreover, case studies some schools that incorporate self-actualization principles, such as Montessori and Waldorf schools, often report positive outcomes in student engagement, creativity, and overall development from their course curriculum on self-development. “The word education must not be understood in the sense of teaching but of assisting the psychological development of the child,” ~ says, Maria Montessori, The Montessori Method.

To be more specific, in terms of individual pursuit, self-actualization allows everyone to enhance creativity and innovation. By giving ourselves a free mind and the ability to come up with different ideas and viewpoints towards what we want and like to do in life. In addition to this, it helps to engage more in personal fulfillment; individuals who feel fulfilled are more likely to be happy, confident, and resilient physically and mentally. All of these may lead to the a general achievement of lifelong learning, which encourages everyone to become lifelong learners, continually seeking knowledge and personal growth. For social involvement, self-actualized individuals are often driven by a sense of purpose and a desire to contribute to their community. Education that promotes self-actualization can produce socially responsible and proactive citizens. First of all, it fosters positive social relationships with others, these self-actualized people are more capable of developing meaningful and healthy relationships. In an educational setting, this creates a helpful and collaborative learning environment. Not only improves the potential of adaptability, but also promotes problem-solving skills through actively overcoming challenges and setbacks.

Generally speaking, creating a supportive learning environment is a must for an effective self- actualization practice in both contexts, including school and family. By fostering a safe and inclusive classroom atmosphere where students/ kids feel respected and valued,. A supportive atmosphere promotes risk-taking and self-expression, these aims are both mutually essential for self-actualization. Besides that, it is advocated that positive relationships between teachers and students as well as kids and their family members to build trust and open communication. In this perspectivesperspective, some challenges and obstacles in the ga between them regardless with age and viewpoints which directly affect the effectiveness of their communication. Therefore, it is recommended for parents to be patient, willing to listen with more understanding and empathy toward their children. To do this properly, school and parents may also do some job on finding out individualized learning approaches. For example, to tailor educational experiences in order to meet the unique needs, interests, and strengths of each individual. It takes time and effort for plan personalized learning plans that can help them to pursue their passions and reach their full potential.

In order to succeed in this valuable practice, it is important for both teachers and parento provideing mentorship. By connecting students with mentors who can offer guidance, support, and inspiration. Positive role models can help students envision their potential and provide a roadmap to achieving it. There are career consulting departments at school or psychology consultants in almost every school. At the same time, it encourages teachers to act as mentors, fostering a culture of guidance and support within the school. Parents can also be their kid’s role models by having an understanding conversation with them. Nurturing is not simple, during this process, implementing growth mindset principles is also suggested by professionals. By emphasizing that abilities and intelligence can be developed through effort and perseverance. This mindset helps students embrace challenges and view failures as opportunities for learning.

Lately, social engagement is a need of more lively development. Through community service and projects that have real-world impact. Such experiences can help students develop a sense of purpose and connection to something greater than themselves. For example, by doing volunteer activities, field trips and community workshops; students can have more inspiration and ideas to work on themselves in certain ways.


To sum up , it is obviously undeniable that the value of self-actualization in education cannot be emphasized. It is the driving force behind pupils’ full potential, which includes academic, emotional, and social development. By emphasizing self-actualization at school and home, educational systems can create conditions that foster internal motivation, creativity, and a love of lifelong learning. Individuals who have achieved self-actualization are more equipped to handle difficulties, solve problems, and make meaningful contributions to society. Finally, incorporating self-actualization into education enables students to become well-rounded, resilient, and proactive person who are ready not only for academic and professional achievement but also for meaningful and influential lives.


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