Should we continually using nuclear power ?

Eric Hsu
Discussions & Debates
3 min readJan 16, 2024

The decision to shut down Taiwan’s second nuclear power plant raises concerns about the continued use of fossil fuels for electricity production. Fossil fuel-based thermal power has been shown to be detrimental to public health and is affected by geographical location. This creates a challenge for Taiwan to find alternative sources of energy that are both sustainable and reliable. One solution is the continued use of nuclear energy, which can provide a stable and clean source of power. Nuclear energy has several advantages over traditional fossil fuels. However, it is important to ensure proper safety measures are in place to minimize the risk of accidents. Proper regulation and monitoring can make nuclear energy a viable option for Taiwan’s energy needs.

A few years ago, the European Union (EU) advocated for the use of sustainable energy instead of nuclear power plants due to several reasons. Firstly, the management of nuclear waste posed environmental concerns, as finding a truly environmentally friendly solution had not yet been achieved. Furthermore, the occurrence of catastrophic nuclear disasters such as Chernobyl and Fukushima showcased the severe consequences associated with nuclear energy. Nevertheless, it is important to highlight that the European Union has shifted its position and is currently promoting and endorsing the utilization of nuclear energy. This shift is partly due to increasing energy demands, such as the growing electricity needs in Taiwan.

The use of fossil fuel-based thermal power in electricity production presents numerous challenges that Taiwan must address. Firstly, the harmful impact on public health due to air pollution caused by burning fossil fuels is a pressing concern. The emission of particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen oxides from these power plants contributes to cardiovascular diseases, and affecting the health of the population. Moreover, Taiwan’s geographical location poses limitations on the availability of domestic fossil fuel resources, forcing the country to rely heavily on imported fuels. This dependence on foreign energy sources not only poses potential geopolitical risks but also leaves Taiwan susceptible to price fluctuations in the global fuel market.

While accepting the benefits of nuclear energy, it is crucial to emphasize the significance of implementing robust safety measures to lower the risk of accidents. The Fukushima disaster in Japan serves as a stark reminder of the potential dangers associated with nuclear power. Taiwan should draw lessons from such incidents and place safety at the forefront of its nuclear energy strategy. Through strict implementation of hardy safety standards and nurturing a culture of ongoing enhancement, Taiwan can promote public trust in the realizability of nuclear energy and safeguard the welfare of its citizens.

In conclusion, Taiwan stands at a critical juncture in determining its future energy landscape. The decision to shut down the second nuclear power plant necessitates careful consideration of alternative energy sources that are both sustainable and reliable. Embracing a diverse energy that includes nuclear power will allow the country to address its increasing energy needs while protecting public health and the environment.


Kwangyin Liu, 4/14, 2023. A charged debate: Taiwan’s nuclear energy conundrum conundrum#:~:text=The%20status%20of%20nuclear%20power%20in%20Taiwan&te xt=Taiwan%20is%20one%20of%20the,been%20taken%20off%20the%20grid.

MARTINA IGINI, JAN 28TH 2023. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Nuclear Energy

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