The beauty of Death penalty

Discussions & Debates
2 min readJun 21, 2024


Death penalty or also known as capital punishment remains a deeply controversial topic within society. Established as far back as the Eighteenth Century BCE in the Code of King Hammaurabi of Babylon, which codified the death penalty for 25 different crimes.

Necessary punishment and Deters crime

In addition, I believe it deters crime by sending a clear message that society will not tolerate the most severe and unforgivable offenses such as murder and terrorism. It also upholds law and order in society by showing that there are serious consequences for the most severe crimes. Death penalty ensures that criminals that commit atrocities are banned from society, preventing them from causing more harm. serves as a critical tool in protecting innocent lives and maintaining a sense of justice and accountability within our communities.

Ensuring justice for victims

For families who have lost loved ones to murder, it can bring a sense of justice and closure. While there are concerns about ensuring fairness and avoiding mistakes in the legal process, I believe with careful safeguards and oversight, the death penalty can serve as a just and necessary part of our justice system.

Uphold law and order

Moreover, the death penalty serves as a tool for maintaining law and order in society. By establishing clear consequences for the most severe crimes, the justice system reinforces the importance of adhering to legal and moral standards. This promotes a sense of accountability among citizens and reinforces public trust in the judicial system’s ability to uphold justice impartially.

In summary, It underscores the principle that individuals must face consequences commensurate with the severity of their actions, reinforcing societal norms and deterring others from committing similar acts of violence.

