The Importance of the Law of Assumption to The World
Since birth, a lot of things have happened to us in the world we live in. Sometimes bad things happen and we assign negative emotions into it. On the other side, we assign positive emotions into good things that happen. How you feel affects how the law works. Feeling is the secret.
Negative situations or events will recur and linger around if you keep thinking negatively and feeling negatively. If you can not help but to feel negative, let it be, do not judge it but let it pass instead. You have to control your thoughts all day.
According to the law of assumption, whatever we believe to be real, we will eventually create. You make your own desired reality and everything you want is already yours. In fact, I’ve been wanting to write about this topic since the first semester, and it came true.
In the law of assumption, you are the god of your own reality. I can say this is accurate since I put it to the test on myself and it frequently worked in various areas of my life. Things become real when you keep thinking positively and don’t wave around negative thoughts, which are the unwelcome circumstances we wish to avoid. Your reality may take some time to change, but it will eventually conform. There is no other way.
Not a lot of people are familiar with this law. Some who are, may not believe it since it seems too good to be true. Some people say people who believe it are delusional. But in reality, it really is too good to be true. Fake it until you make it, pretend you already have the things you wanted. And that is why it is important for our world, If more people are aware with the law and we all practice it, can you imagine the world we could build if we combined our beautiful and powerful mind.
Believe it or not, this is how our universe works. This is the secret of life. If right now you are dealing with an unwanted circumstances, it means that is how your current believe is. Your reality is just a reflection of you. Everything else is just you pushed out.