The Issue for Decade

Discussions & Debates
2 min readJan 9, 2023

Nowadays, many children are getting diabetes because they drink too many sugary drinks. Chocolate milk has been argued for decades that should or should not be offered by schools because of the amount of sugar in it. Schools should not offer chocolate milk to students for many reasons.

Schools shouldn’t offer chocolate milk because children won’t drink plain milk anymore. According to Mary Story, a professor of nutrition at the University of Minnesota, “When children have chocolate milk on daily basis at school, it’s really going to be hard for them to go back home just by drinking plain milk”(Severson). It means that children will not drink plain milk if chocolate milk appears, so chocolate milk shouldn’t be offered in school or children won’t drink plain milk. Some people might think that chocolate milk is still milk, so why can’t just drink that? But those people fail to consider is plain milk will have more nutrients included, and it is naturally sweet.

It is a bad idea to offer chocolate milk in school because chocolate milk contains too much sugar. Based on the NY Times, article about chocolate milk, “People trying to make school lunch more nutritious say it’s outrageous to serve an eight-ounce drink that can contain more than five teaspoons of sugar” (Muir). This tells that chocolate milk contains as much sugar as a cup of soda, and drinking soda every day is too much sugar for children, so chocolate milk shouldn’t appear in school. Some people might think that chocolate milk is more flavored and children will like it more. But they fail to consider that too much sugar will not give any good to children, only get worse.

Chocolate milk should not be included in school because chocolate milk will take place for nutritious food. Ann Cooper, who runs the Boulder, Colo…., schools foods program and a national website,, said, “Too much milk can make a child a too full to eat foods like greens, hummus, and beans that offer nutrients found in dairy products” (Severson). This shows that children will not eat nutritious foods because they drink too much milk and they are full, so schools shouldn’t offer students chocolate milk. Some people might think that chocolate milk is enough nutritious, so they do not have to eat other nutritious food. But they fail to consider that milk only gives humans calcium and vitamin D, and people need more kinds of nutritious instead of only calcium and vitamin D.

Schools shouldn’t be able to offer chocolate milk because of different kinds or bad for children. Since the chocolate milk problem has been argued for decades, schools should really consider to banned flavored milk. That makes children drink only healthy plain milk in school.

Work Cited

“A School Fight Over Chocolate Milk.” Kim Severson. The NY Times. 24 August 2010, Web, 5 March 2017.

“Got Chocolate Milk? Health Benefits Debated.” David Muir. ABC News. 16 November 2009. Web. 5 March 2017.

