Toxic Relationships

Clime AS1
Discussions & Debates
4 min readJan 8, 2023

In this world, there are different kinds of people we come into contact with. There are positive, negative, and also toxic people. Our happiness in this world is also not only based on how rich we are, our achievements, or our fame. However, our happiness is also based on how others treat us. In our social interactions, toxic people are the most dangerous people in our lives. The Science of People page writes that these toxic people should be avoided, and do not even hesitate to cut ties with that kind of person, it is all for our comfort and benefit. Examples of toxic people are people who like to play to be the victim, manipulation, and are temperamental.

A toxic relationship is a relationship that can harm one’s health (mentally and physically) as well as one’s welfare, where people who are in this relationship usually difficult to let go of their partners. Relationships like this usually occur when one person in the relationship is the toxic type of person. One of the factors that make this kind of relationship dangerous is not everyone realizes that they are in a toxic relationship. So, they do not have movement at all until their realization (usually it is when the relationship is gotten to a serious stage.) While during this stage, it will be more difficult for people to letting go of their partner.

Several signs indicate someone is in a toxic relationship:

  1. One of the people in the relationship continues to feel that he/she has to be careful while dealing with the person with whom he/she is related
  2. The person’s partner is too controlling about what their partner is doing. Specifically, he/she partner must know where, with whom, when, etc. their partner is.
  3. One of the 2 people is not supportive. For example, he/she is not happy when their partner succeeds or does not support what their partner is doing.
  4. Only one of them struggles in the relationship.
  5. One of the 2 people exaggerating small problems.
  6. One of the people often say rude and in the worst situation, he/she even can hit his/her partner when there is a problem in the relationship.
  7. One of the 2 people in the relationship is overly jealous of their partner.

People who are in toxic relationships must take action to make the relationship less toxic, or even end the relationship.

Ways that can be done are:

  1. If it is not too dangerous, the person can try to tell what happened to them to his/her relatives or friends that can be trusted.
  2. If it is at a very dangerous level (such as hitting), the person can ask for professional help and even report everything to the authorities (police).
  3. If the toxic person remains unchanged, stop contact with the toxic person.

In my own opinion, a toxic relationship is useless to be maintained because many negative things can happen to the victim in that relationship, especially if the toxic relationship has reached a severe stage (hitting his/her partner). I also disagree with someone who does not want to cut off their relationship even when he/she already finds out that his/her partner is toxic. Maybe someone finds it difficult to let go of their partner because they love their partner. However, a person’s mental and physical health is more important than how much the person loves their partner. In my opinion, if the victim finds it difficult to get out of such a relationship, the victim can slowly let go of their partner, there is no need to immediately end the relationship if it is too difficult. Because if the victim finds it difficult to let go of their partner but the victim forces them to break off the relationship directly, the breakup will not last long, there is a very big possibility that the victim will come back with his/her toxic partner.

In conclusion, toxic relationships are very harmful to a person’s physical and mental health and well-being. Therefore, if you know or know someone who is in a toxic relationship, do your best to help that person get out of that toxic relationship. In addition, if you feel that you are in a toxic relationship, try to end the relationship for the sake of mental and physical health and well-being.

Hadi, Abdul. “Apa Itu Toxic People atau Manusia Toksik dan Bagaimana Tipenya?”, February 17, 2021.

Martanti, Adelina Wahyu. “Tanda Hubungan Toksik dan Cara Mengakhirinya” Liputan6.Com, October 15, 2022.

CNN Indonesia. “7 Ciri-Ciri Hubungan Toxic, Kenali biar Nggak Terjebak” December 13, 2022.

