Discussions & Debates
2 min readApr 18, 2022


Why government should legalize cannabis (weed)


Cannabis, a plant that has so many magic inside, this little plant can help some people that is suffer in their sickness, but it can also make other people addict to it and cause some trouble in society, therefore, the legality of cannabis is still a controversial topic in most country, and the argument between its medical value and addiction it’s still on. From my point of view, yes, government should legalize cannabis, and here are three reasons from three aspects explain why they should.

First Aspect: Medical

First, the medical value in Cannabis is very huge, since there is evidence shows that Cannabis might reduce chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting (non-inhaled cannabis or cannabinoids are not included), it can also use for AIDS wasting syndrome, epilepsy, rheumatoid arthritis, and glaucoma. For cannabinoids, comparative studies have found it can be more effective than some conventional antiemetics.

Second Aspect: Economy

Second, its improvement in the economy is obvious, in US, the cannabis industry had collected more than $6 million in tax revenue in the first two months of 2014 in Colorado, which is just a single state in the whole country, Colorado also shows that the tax revenue from the cannabis industry is way more than alcohol, with the number of $78 million in the first fiscal year after starting retail sales, $129 million the second fiscal year, also, a study by the University of California Agricultural Issues Center (AIC) estimated the market in California can bring a profit of $5 billion every single year.

Third Aspect: harm

Last, cannabis is less harmful compare to alcohol and cigarettes, according to CDC in US, six people per day die from alcohol poisoning, with the estimated 88,000 people die per year due to the excessive use of alcohol, the cigarettes also get a good score, causing 500,000 deaths per year in the US, on the contrary, no recorded death from cannabis overdose, but ironically, alcohol and cigarettes are legal. If something that is more harmful is legal, why shouldn’t the less dangerous cannabis be legalized?

In conclusion, cannabis have many benefits in different aspects, it just being stigmatized for many years, but as the time goes, people start to rediscuss this plant again, nowadays, with the research of cannabis continue, people will discover and see more and more potential of cannabis, and maybe one day, the path of cannabis legalize will finally come to an end.


“Should Recreational Marijuana Be Legal?” ProCon.org, 11/13/2018, https://marijuana.procon.org/

​”3 reasons recreational marijuana should be legal in all 50 states” Jack Brewer, 07/10/2014, https://www.bizjournals.com/bizjournals/how-to/growth-strategies/2014/07/3-reasons-recreational-marijuana-should-be-legal.html

“Are Marijuana and Alcohol Equally Dangerous, or Is One Safer Than the Other?” Adie Rae, PhD, 10/04/2021, https://www.goodrx.com/well-being/substance-use/is-cannabis-safer-or-healthier-than-alcohol

