Willians AS1
Discussions & Debates
2 min readApr 18, 2022


Why marijuana should not be legal?
Over the last decade, there have been multiple pushes from society for the legalization of marijuana. Undoubtedly, marijuana is one of the important factors that generate delinquency in different countries. Marijuana can cause serious damage to our brains and can reach the point of dependence. We do not want future generations can result influenced by something we can counter today.
Teenagers, drugs, and delinquency are becoming increasingly intertwined. Regrettably, marijuana use puts you in extremely perilous situations. Teenagers often reach a moment where they spend the majority of their time thinking about drug usage, hunting for them, getting resources to buy them, consume them, and recover from their effects, exposing them to a new world full of terrible friendships and people until they join a gang.
Marijuana abuse over a lengthy period of time can harm our brains significantly. To begin with, marijuana has a direct effect on our brain, particularly the areas responsible for remembering, comprehending, attention, decision-making, coordination, emotions, and reaction time. Second, marijuana use before the age of 18 has been shown to alter the way the brain connects for tasks including attention, memory, and learning. The effects of marijuana on attention, memory, and learning can be long-lasting or even permanent, but more research is needed to properly comprehend them. Marijuana usage among teenagers has been linked to poor academic performance and memory problems.
Marijuana use can develop into an issue known as marijuana use disorder, which in severe cases can lead to addiction. According to recent research, 30 percent of marijuana users may have some form of marijuana use disorder. Teenagers consumers under the age of 18 are four to seven times more likely to develop an addiction compared to adults for marijuana use. When a person’s cannabis use disorder evolves to addiction, they are unable to stop using the substance, even though it is interfering with many parts of their lives. Estimates of the number of persons addicted to marijuana are debatable, in part because dependency is frequently used as a proxy for addiction in epidemiological studies of drug usage, although it is possible to be dependent without being addicted. According to these research, 9 percent of marijuana users will get addicted to the drug.
To summarize, legalizing marijuana would be a severe error; it is still early, and we have time to prevent the numerous problems and diseases that this "soft" substance might cause us; they appear to be convincing arguments in favor of this plant. However, not everything is simple. Because cannabis usage can create long-term cognitive problems, especially in young people whose brains are still developing. Unfortunately, not everyone can control this type of substance, and it can have terrible effects, including death, as I previously stated.

