Would you agree that few companies actually succeed at going ‘Global’? What are the main reasons?

Yann Fedoriska
Discussions & Debates
2 min readJun 12, 2024

For a company to go global is not a straightforward decision to make. Putting this strategy to action is often more complicated than expected, it’s not uncommon to see firms doing this choice without succeeding. Many factors have to take into account when making the decision. Obviously, the type of market is a big one. But there is also: regulatory requirements, and cultural preferences, necessitating constant adaptation of strategies and products to meet local needs

First reason why global expansion is challenging is the very diverse nature of international markets. From one country to another there is different cultural and economic habits, and different regulatory environment. To succeed it’s important to differentiate and understand them. Misinterpreting cultural habits or underestimating regulatory complexities can lead to costly mistakes. Which shows the importance for a firm to invest time and money in market research. In order to develop the fitted strategy to the market concerned.

Furthermore, global expansion requires significant financial investments. Companies need to invest in fields such as: market research, business law, operations management (location, product design), and marketing. These upfront costs can be important and returns on investment are often not immediate. A solid financial strategy and conceding capital are necessary to overcome initial losses before harvesting the benefits of global expansion.

Additionally, managing a global supply chain comes with logistical challenges. When going global, the operations part becomes way more complex. Because of different import and export regulations, customs procedures and transport networks, supply chains can be disrupted. This affects production and delivery schedules. Flexibility and adaptability are crucial for a successful global expansion.

In terms of management, companies that go global are tasked with building and maintaining effective intercultural teams. Language barriers, different time zones, and different work styles can complicate collaboration. Human resources strategies must aim to attract and retain the best talent on a global scale while fostering a coherent multicultural corporate culture.

Global expansion can also be complicated by the rapid pace of technological innovation. This pace also depends on the region. Businesses must balance these disparities to ensure consistent service delivery. In addition, being at the forefront of technology is essential to remain competitive on a global scale.

A thorough assessment of risks and their readiness for international markets must be done before embarking on global expansion. Having a clear understanding of the target markets, a well-defined strategy, and the ability to be agile in response to unforeseen challenges are also to be expected.

In conclusion, while global expansion is a tempting path to growth, its challenges are significant. Few companies are successful in internationalizing because they lack understanding: of the diversity of markets, financial investments, logistical challenges; and requires international talent recruitment and technological adaptability. International expansion should be seen as a simple growth option, companies should carefully assess their preparedness and strategic alignment before tackling the complexities of the global market. The success of global expansion is based on meticulous approach, strategic planning and a commitment to overcoming obstacles in target markets.

