NEL First Bi-weekly Report of July

robbie wang
Published in
2 min readJul 18, 2018



1. The driver can obtain the NEODUN firmware upgrade file directly from the server. The NEODUN function has been basically improved and needs to be tested for user experience, so this work has also been put on the agenda. Users can now access the latest version of the firmware directly after installing the driver.

2. Fixed a bug in the driver’s communication with neodun, the device disconnection and reconnection will cause the driver page to crash.

3. NEODUN adds a command caching mechanism. NEODUN uses a single-threaded mechanism. When a user performs an operation such as entering a password, it does not respond to commands sent by the driver. We added a caching mechanism to temporarily store the commands received by the driver during this process, and then process them one by one after being idle. Correspondingly, the driver also cancels the mechanism for responding to timeouts.

4. Slightly changed the mechanism of USB recognition. Now NEODUN is connected to the computer and cannot be recognized unless the user has entered the correct power-on password.

5. We have tested the UTXO token transfer of NEO and Gas and are testing the nep5 token transfer.

6. The ECDH Securiry Channel has completed the principle verification and process design and is now under development.

7. We gave six NEODUN to six COZ developers as gifts when we met them in Shanghai last week. They will experience NEODUN in the first batch of tests. So we will do an English version of the driver and firmware next.

NEL explorer

1. Title update of the browser project

2. Viewing domain bidding and domain name details were added, which are under development.


1. contractNotifyExtractor fixed warehousing notification judgement bug, temporarily filter notifications that do not appear in Array format

2. Dealt with problems caused by api game stress test

3. Investigated the problem of optimizing the NEL series API small probability 503, used the local log method to find the problem and fixed it.

4. contractNotifyExtractor fixed the problem of incomplete resolution of the contract notification in the block in some cases, and adjusted the original unreasonable operation interval.

5. Tested the latest NEO CLI, if there is no problem, the NEL CLI server will be gradually upgraded to in the second half of the month.

6. NEL and COZ core developer met in Shanghai and we presented NEODUN (development version) as a gift to them.

7. COZ says it plans to add NEL series APIs to its wallet dependency pool (currently O3 Wallet has adopted the NEL Series API as their primary API).

NEL official website

  1. Chinese and English official website version and mobile version of the official website development were completed

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