NEL Monthly Report for March, 2018

robbie wang
Published in
6 min readApr 3, 2018

by NEL

For the latest news about NEL, please follow our twitter:

Please find the progress of our specific projects on the following NEL GitHub address:

Block Explorer

1. Addition of ability to switch between MainNet and TestNet.

2. Block explorer design was updated.

3. Explorer HTTP/HTTPS were iterated.

4. NEP-5 asset list was added and the UI can now support NEP-5 balance display

5. Addition of ability to expand and close the transaction list (details).

Web Wallet

1. Wallet design was updated.

2. VUE was used to reconstruct the wallet.

3. Wallet login module, balance display module, transaction transfer module and NNS operation module were developed.

4. Added ability for users to test NNS domain name registration on TestNet from within the wallet.

WeChat Applet Wallet

1. A full-featured WeChat applet wallet was launched and three versions were iterated. The current online version interface is:

1. We researched wallet clients such as NEM, O3, etc to improve the applet. The new interface currently in development can be seen below.

NEODUN Hardware Wallet

1. Hardware assembly production

The production of 100 small batch parts was completed and sent to the assembly plant. Flow-line production and test operations have been checked, waiting for production. It is expected that the finished product can be obtained in mid-April.

2. NEODUN’s encryption logic was rewritten

Multiple random numbers and user passwords will be used to encrypt the data in the security chip and the user’s password will be saved in an asymmetrical way. This will create an unprecedented difficulty to crack the device.

The authentication method was changed and password verification will now be performed on the NEODUN device in the case it cannot be used when the user’s computer is compromised.

The NEODUN operation process, interface design and some UI production were completed, and the development progress is approximately 40%.

Some bugs found in use were fixed.

3. NEODUN Official Website

The design of our official website was finished. Its production hasn’t begun yet.

4. Driver design

NEODUN’s driver features and pages were designed. The firmware management function was added; the function of exporting the private key from the device was removed; and various security setting functions were transferred to NEODUN for complete isolation of the sensitive data from the outside world. UI design has been completed and its production has not yet begun.

5. NeoLink software wallet integration

The first stage technology integration with NeoLink was completed. The hardware wallet mode has been added to NeoLink, enabling the management and viewing of NEODUN addresses on NeoLink, as well as the ability to sign transactions with NEODUN.

NEL underlying technology maintenance

A) neo-thinsdk maintenance. It supports the development of web-version light wallet and data back-end.


1. The problem of treating multi-sig contract errors as common contract issues when NEP-6 is uploaded was fixed.

2. The problem of the generated NEP-6 NEO-GUI not opening was fixed.

3. Additional data was added to claim transaction.

4. Pubkey2Address example was added.


1. Claiming GAS transaction was added.

B) The maintenance of neo-gui-nel and neondebug ensures the normal use of the development tool chains

1. The official code changes were synchronized with neo-gui-nel.

2. The NEO core code changes were synchronized on neodubug.

C) The work of NEO core code

1. NEO C# compiler was modified.
Dictionary support was added.
Serialization and deserialization support was added.

2. The NEO .NET compilation template was modified.
Dictionary support was added.
Storage key traversal support was added.
Serialization and deserialization support was added.

D) NEO block data stored into database.

1. The creation of height, use height and collecting TXID data into the database were added to provide support for claim transaction.

2. The cumulative total system cost of the block was added to provide support for claim transactions

3. The notify and full logs switches of whether stored into database were added. The matching CLI official version of the notify was added into database.

4. The development of transaction into database was completed. It begins to obtain NEP-5 asset information.

E) The API of NEO block data

1. getgasissue method was added, which supports the calculation of claimable and unclaimble GAS.

2. The method of obtaining the information of claiming gas was modified to getclaimgas. getclaimtxhex was added to support the construction of claiming GAS and collect GAS transaction construction.

3. publishContractForTest method was added which allows the construction contract to publish script.

4. getstorage method was added, which basically covers CLI’s main APIs that are often used. Switching back and forth is not needed.

5. getutxostopay method was added, which could obtain the UTXO that is entered when constructing transfer of tokens.

F) CLI operation and maintenance

1. The best deployment method was researched, which improved the CLI synchronization performance dramatically.

2. A bug of a missing notify exporting on CLI was confirmed by us and OTCGO. (it was confirmed that NEO fixed the bug on the same day.)

Community Building

On March 11th, Liu Yongxin, founder of NEL, introduced the NNS project at NEO’s event in Taipei, where NEL and O3 Labs reached an agreement of partnership. NEO Name Service will be integrated into O3 wallets. O3 wallets will provide a client for NNS. NNS allows O3 wallet users to transfer tokens in a more convenient way.

We launched our NNS official website and released the English version whitepaper of NNS on on March 19th.

On March 24th, Jason Liu also gave a speech entitled “How Does NNS Improve NEO Usability” at a NEO meetup held in Shenzhen. On the same day, Li Jianying, co-founder of NEL & NNS, gave a speech entitled “A Deep Dive in to NEO VM and NEO Smart Contracts” at the CCFTF05 Blockchain Technology and Engineering Practice Workshop held in Beijing.

We decided to provide free technical advisory services for all new projects built on NEO on March 27th.

We announced the incubation of the NEO ecosystem’s the first gaming community on March 28th.

We also provided technical advisory services for Loopring’s migration to NEO in March (Loopring is a distributed exchange protocol).

We translated the English version technical documentation of “NEO Blockchain Quick-Start for .NET Developers” written by Michael Herman based in Toronto, Canada into Chinese language.

Our developers also made a NEO tutorial including two videos and some articles. They wrote a JS Demo for three smart contract calling methods including Invoke, Storage and Transaction.

