NEL Second Bi-weekly Report of July

robbie wang
Published in
3 min readAug 2, 2019

This report tells the NEL latest development in the second half of July


After Neoray was released, many NEO developers began to use it. It provides a lot of help for NEO developers and we also received a lot of feedback on using Neoray. We decided to redesign Neoray to make it more convenient for developers to use. We have completed the new product design, and it is under development and is expected to go live in September.

It will have support for Teemo Wallet and allows visitors to use Neoray, which means users could use some functionalities of Neoray without logging into it. We adjusted the UI layout of Neoray, and added the output box, which is more in line with the programmer’s habits.

It will simplify the parameter filling method of the calling contract by changing to partly selecting multiple choices and partly filling the blanks, which will reduce the threshold for invoking the contract. Contract calling will have support for adding the system fee and the network fee, which will allow the developer to debug transactions with fee cost of more than 10 GAS.

It will retain the original debugging contract, gas collection and other functionalities. For the time being, it will still only support NEO TestNet.


Tested it and modified some display bugs. Will release it after NEO changes the system fee charging policy for the contract.

NELScan explorer

The contract information analysis page data has been analyzed to the height of 3.8 million blocks, As the total height is about 4 million pieces, the full analysis will be finished this week.


“FutureDAO: Token Economics Application and Innovation Salon” was held on July 28. The event was hosted by FutureDAO, and five blockchain entrepreneur shared their speeches on different topics revolving around the theme of “ token economy.” At the same time, token researchers and enthusiasts from the inside and outside of the industry, as well as practitioners, have had a heated discussion.


Futuredaov version 1.0 has been being developed and is expected to be completed by the end of August. The V1.0 version is mainly used for project display and discussion. Functionalities like project financing and voting governance will be added later.

Contract progress:

Used the truffle framework to rebuild the contract and standardize the contract code. Wrote unit testing cases, debugged, and modified contracts to prevent security holes in contracts.

Front-end progress:

V1.0 static page has been completed, including pages for account management, user management, project publishing, and discussion. Functionalities including login, registration, personal info modification, and project info editing have been completed.

The server-side progress:

Provided the corresponding interface for functions completed on the front-end.

