NEL Second Bi-weekly Report of June

robbie wang
Published in
2 min readJul 4, 2018



1. We tested the bip44 ready-made library and found that the import result of HD wallet is inconsistent with other wallet import results. We are looking for reasons why these problems may occur, and we may need to write some underlying libraries ourselves.

2. The security channel is more complicated than we think, because NEODUN’s computing power needs to be considered. The NEODUN tested has generated an RSA 2048-bit asymmetric key pair for too long. We are investigating the use of ECDHE key agreement algorithms or other algorithms to build secure channels.

3. NEODUN’s bug fixing has been basically completed and can be used normally (because the security channel has not been completed, importing the wallet may be risky). We tested neo and gas, so the nep5 token has not yet been made. Regarding this section some optimization needs to be done on the experience process.

Fixed an issue that sometimes errors are reported wrong in files from legitimate sources when installing plugins.

Fixed the problem that after the updated version of the currency plugin, the old version of the plugin will not be automatically cleared.

Fixed an issue where the second transaction was automatically rejected after rejecting the transaction signature.

Fixed an issue of not returning error when requesting a signed transaction without a currency plugin installed

4. Known problems that still exist:

When NEODUN wants to upload multiple pieces of data, the speed of uploading the message will become slower and slower, and it can be restored after disconnecting the USB. It has been determined that it is a problem with the USBHID cache.

During the NEODUN response process, a large number of duplicate messages are sent, and NEODUN will reply one by one, causing the system to be occupied for a long time. We will make a state mechanism to reject some malicious requests.

NEO blockchain explorer

1. Added an asset search query, making a difference among searching the transaction ID and asset details, default search transaction details by entering the ID , and searching the asset details by manually entering the asset name .

2. Asset list page, added asset ID column, you can briefly view the asset ID.


1. Optimized api performance. Getnep5transferbyaddress, getnep5transfers, getnep5transfersbyasset removed sorting, optimized performance, and return becomes from 5s to 100ms.

2. Tested cli 2.7.6, after official confirmation, this version does not implement notify to use the database to store log content. NEL has not updated yet.

3. Dealt with problems caused by partial failure of 0627 Ali cloud

4. Solved the transfer failure problem caused by the transfer process getting utxo incorrectly

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