NNS First Bi-weekly Report of October

robbie wang
Published in
4 min readOct 16, 2018


NNS project updates

We launched NNS to Mainnet at 10:00 am (GMT+8) on October 9th 2018.

A two-week domain name mining activity is being held after the launch of NNS Mainnet. The activity runs between Oct. 9th-23rd 2018 (GMT+8).

What is domain name mining?

After the user wins a domain name on the NNS Mainnet, the domain winner will be rewarded with an amount of NNC in proportion to the GAS they spend winning the domain. The specific NNC reward policy is as follows:

Domain name winners will be rewarded with 70 NNC for each 1 GAS they spend if the domain auction start time is between Oct. 9th-16th 2018 (GMT+8).

Domain name winners will be rewarded with 50 NNC for each 1 GAS they spend if the domain auction start time is between Oct. 16th-23rd 2018 (GMT+8).

The amount of NNC that will be awarded in the domain name mining activity will be no more than 100 million NNC (10% of NNC total supply). If there is any NNC left, the leftover NNC will be locked up.

All the NNC reward will be delivered after the domain name mining is closed.

Domain name mining

As of 16:16 am(GMT+8) on October 16th, the total number of domain name auctions on NNS Mainnet is 17730, and there is about 13,544 CGAS in the distribution pool.

10 Most valuable domain names

NNS ecosystem

O3 Wallet announced on October 15 that it officially supports transfer using .neo name provided by NNS, and CGAS exchange support is also under development.(https://twitter.com/O3_Labs/status/1051731357003538432)

SEA Wallet has begun to integrate transfer using .neo domains provided by NNS and other functions.

We have been talking to NEON wallet for its integration of NNS.

NNS contract

NNS contracts of Domain Name Center, Auction Registrar, Universal and Address Resolver have been deployed to the NEO Mainnet.

NNS reverse resolution service (reputation service) contract, beta version has been finished.

NNS background and API

By optimizing the API code and adding the load balancing node, the API pressure capacity has been greatly optimized. Currently, the test tells high frequency interface has been able to cope with the pressure of more than 600 concurrency

Fixed interface numerical precision processing error problem, optimized analysis warehousing precision processing.

Repaired the problem that unsuccessful claiming of GAS on Testnet leads to the API failure.

Added the querying auction status by the domain name interface

Added the display by the highest bid price interface.

Optimized domain name query compatibility with root domain name

Optimized domain name query compatibility with capital and lower-case letters

Optimized how the CGAS amount in the distribution pool is acquired to improve performance

NNS front-end

Web wallet (adapted with PC)

Fixed an issue where when you created a wallet, the click was too fast and the wallet file might not be downloaded properly.

Added a search by domain function for quick search of domain names, search directly from the browser cache.

Added domain name filtering, filtering by domain bidder, filtering based on auction status

Replaced the multiple times invokeScript call in the wallet, the API is used to get data, reducing back-end CLI pressure, calling more resources for transaction sending

Mobile page plugin (mobile adaptation)

NEO Wallet SDK migration. We modified the original SDK to react, and reorganized the all-in-one transaction and contract parts into reusable TS tools

Code migration for NNS bidding contract calls

NNS bidding for mobile pages and business processing logic is under development. 70% completed.


Added sorting features for bidding domain names, sort by time or auction bid price

Fixed data display exception problem.

Updated the NNS Mainnet style and some descriptions

NNS community

Community members submitted 3 videos and 7 original articles

for the bounty program.

We had a written interview with dapp.com


NEO For Beginners made a written tutorial and a video tutorial for NNS.


