NNS First Bi-weekly Report of September

robbie wang
Published in
2 min readSep 18, 2018


NNS ecosystem

The O3 wallet will integrate NNS, which is under development.

Completed the verification of the NNS auction function embedded into O3. In future, NNS auction function will be built into more wallets through this embedding method.


The domain name details page was updated. You can view the ranking of the domain bid prices and the detailed bidding operations of the domain name.

The NNC dividend data display was improved and the data is more accurate.

Transaction fee (0.00000001 GAS per transaction) was added to prioritize transactions (only 20 free transactions per block). If there is no GAS in this wallet address, transactions will be confirmed in the free mode.

Optimized the password input box. Closing the window does not trigger any transactions.

We replaced SGAS with NEO’s official CGAS.

The minimum length of a domain name is adjusted to 6 characters.

The full transaction ID for easy debugging and troubleshooting was added to the Operation record module.

Completed the dividend viewing module and added a record of NNC dividends (related to the login address).

Access statistics was added to know the page access.


Added support for .test root domain.

Analyzed the utxo of the auction bonus management account.

Added access to the utxo list interface for auction accounts.

Added the domain name resolution address interface.

Fixed the problem of calculating the expiration time of the .test domain name on the explorer.

Added the query of distribution pool amount and the total amount of dividends.

Added dividend history query interface.

NNS contracts

The CGAS called in the NNS auction contracts was followed up to the latest official version.

The development of registrar for the domain name owner to assign the subdomain was finished.

Written the NNS related contract documentation.

NNS Community

Chinese community:

Community members wrote three original articles about NNS.

The NNS first meme pack contest in the Chinese community was successfully concluded, and the top three and 50 encouragement prizes were selected and presented.

Regularly held NNS testing activities. Testers Participated in the NNS auction test at 3–5 pm every day. Test participants can join the NNS test WeChat group to participate in the lucky draw. Lucky draw was done once a day. And one NNS theme T-shirt was rewarded to the one lucky winner.

English community

Community members contributed 8 original articles and 2 Testnet NNS testing tutorial videos, one in English, the other in Turkish.

The First NNS sticker contest was concluded.

