Supporting the Eco-System — Why Every Person Matters

Carbon Grid Protocol
3 min readJan 18, 2018

The concept of sustainable living was first brought to light in a 1987 report, known as the Brundtlandt Commission, and highlighted key concepts between impoverished communities, inequality, and environmental decline. The report further noted that sustainable development would equate to a “fairer society” where mankind would be able to enjoy all the benefits of mother earth if said resources were looked after in a responsible manner.

“Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”

Thirty years later, we find that very same report as relevant today, if not more, as it was back then. It can be stated that indigenous communities were one of the first to have recognised the ecological damage that was being done to the environment around them, as they experienced degradation first hand. As the years have passed, and global organisations like Greenpeace have brought international awareness on many pressing issues, man seldom thinks beyond his inner circles. While many countries are constantly fighting over land and resources, one scarcely pauses to ponder over the fact that these resources truly have NO borders, which can be claimed by any one country, and it is this fact that makes us all equally responsible in our duties towards maintaining a balanced ecosystem, and ensuring a sustainable future.

Global Connectedness

There have been numerous articles, reports, and studies documenting well-known corporations, who frequently break, or altogether completely ignore both local and international environmental laws regarding corporate responsibility. What’s more, these companies imagine that it’s okay to dump toxic materials on someone else’s doorstep, and hang the consequence.

Ask yourself if they care about dumping toxic material into the water systems in China, and how this affects us all as these waterways are globally interconnected? Ask yourself if they worry about oil spills from ill-maintained tankers in Russia and how these affect the Great Barrier Reef in Australia?
These links are not mere coincidences but a chain of events that slowly accumulated since the industrial revolution, and have gathered up significant speed in the last 50 or so years. While we highlighted companies as contributing towards environmental degradation on a mass scale, we do not exempt the ordinary individual and their contributions towards the state of our planet. Our need for instant gratification, whether it’s food or technology, have exacerbated issues like climate change and global warming.

Every Soul Can Make a Difference

Make Every Day Earth Day!

NERA’s core research team have fought hard to come up with a solution that benefits both man and the environment itself. Having traveled extensively across Asia, NERA documented that man’s footprint counts in every way, and that no one, whether you’re a Fortune 500 company or a fruit seller peddling your wares, is exempt.

Participating in projects promoting sustainable living is something everyone can and should be a part of. It is up to parents to educate their kids about their impact on the world around them. It is up to captains of industry to set the example whereby others can follow. It is up to you, a single individual, to make the effort so others can draw on your courage, and discover their own in the process.


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